Chapter Twenty Two

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*TWO MONTHS LATER* Harry’s pov:

Life has turned back to a living hell. On top of getting bullied in school it has officially followed me home online. Louis and I are still dating but I don't see the point anymore. Its been six days since I have seen him outside of school. I think the whole Zayn thing has gotten to his head. He is with them everyday after school and I only get a few texts. Sometimes none at all. He has started bullying me too, and its not even gentle anymore. Months ago if Zayn sent him to do something to me he would do it, but nicely. Now he just doesn't even care, I don't even care anymore either. I'm close to just giving up anyways.

It was last block and the final bell just rang and I hurried to my locker. I saw Zayn and Louis a little way away just looking at me. I hurried and opened my locker praying I could leave before they bothered me but as soon as I opened it, wiped cream started flowing out. All my books, my coat, everything was coated in cream.

“You have gotta be kidding!” I groaned. I heard everyone laughing and just as I was about to turn around Louis came behind me and slammed my head down into my locker. My whole face was put in the cream, and since he pushed me so hard my face hit the bottom of my locker. I pulled back and wiped my face. I looked at my hand and there was blood. My nose is bleeding and my glasses broke. I slammed my locker shut and started running out. I'm so sick of this. I hurried home and up to my bathroom. I wiped my face and held a tissue to my nose and I heard the downstairs door open.

“Harry, I'm home!” my mum called. I quickly went down and hurried to her,

“my glasses broke and my nose is killing me.” She spun around and looked at me,

“jesus Harry what happened?” She rushed to me and moved the tissue.

“Stupid gym class.” I lied. She sighed,

“where was Louis?”

“Mum, we uh we broke up.” I explained. No we didn't really but there was no point in acting like he would be there for me.

“Oh, wow I wasn't expecting that like ever. Harry,” she sighed, “I think its broke baby. We need to get you to the hospital.” I grabbed my phone, “get you're coat.”

“I left it at school.” I explained and hurried out to the car. She followed me out and got in telling me to hold my head back. So we drove to the hospital, I was half blind without my glasses and went through the whole procedure. It was broke, and it was my boyfriends fault. When I got home my mum sent me upstairs to go lay down while she called and asked about getting new glasses. I stripped into boxers only and climbed into bed using my phone to look at the bandage on my nose. It was a huge bandage that covered my nose and was held by tape. I sighed and started thinking things over. I guess now would be a good time. I opened a new text to Louis.

We need to talk -Harry

Yeah, I'm kind of busy.. -Louis

Louis, you broke my glasses -Harry

Oops, sorry. Haha -Louis

And my nose -Harry

Look sorry, but I really can't talk right now. I'm with Zayn and Liam -Louis

You know what Louis, just forget it. I'm done with you. Just stay out of my life. Don't bother with the weekly visits or the every once in a blue moon text. Please, if you were being kind when you bully me, stop. Put all the muscle you have into it. You are just like everyone. You are fake, and I hate you, and I hate that I let you into my life. Just stay out of it from now on Louis -Harry

Did you just dump me? -Louis

Bye Louis... -Harry

I threw my phone and screamed into a pillow. The tears were running hot and fast down my cheeks as I buried myself into my blankets.

“It gets easier bud, I promise you.” Gemma spoke. I was really close to her. I tell her everything. Exactly how it happens. She comes to visit here and there but I didn't know she would be here today. She came in and moved onto my bed wrapping her arms around me. “Mum told me what happened, so what really happened?” she whispered and ran a hand through my hair.

“L-Louis happened.” I sobbed. I turned into her, burying my head; careful of my nose.

“Your boyfriend did this to you?” she asked and I could hear the anger in her voice. She always worried about me with Louis.

“Ex,” I mumbled.

“Well that's better, for me not you.” she explained.

“He didn't even fight for me Gem, he is completely gone. Doesn't even care anymore.”

“It will hit him soon, you are too good of a catch to lose.” she smiled. I sighed lightly and shut my eyes. “Want to come out with me tonight, going clubbing with some of my girls. You can join.” she suggested.

“Sounds fun, but I just want to sleep.” I explained.

“Okay, maybe tomorrow.” she smiled. I think she forgets the fact that I'm in school but I would honestly go out just not after I just broke up with Louis.

“Alright honey, I'll see you in a bit.” she kissed my head and left my room, closing the door behind her. I sighed and since I was alone I started thinking about everything. I ended up crying myself to sleep and didn't wake up till the next morning.  

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