Chapter Thirty

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A/N: I am so sorry its been a while. I was on vacation and I'm finally back! But I'm doing a double update so that makes up for it right? Enjoy xx 

Harry's pov:

"Excuse me?" I spun around and looked at the boy who was standing in front of me. I held onto my locker door and bit my lip. The boy was taller and was a little scruffy looking but he had a nice smile on his face. I was at my locker waiting for Louis so we could go to lunch together.


"I'm Nick and I'm new. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the art wing?" he smiled.


"Oh um, yeah, it's uh, turn that way," I pointed, "then the first right and on the left is the art rooms.


"Oh okay thank you sweetie, what your name?"


"Harry," I mumbled.


"Are you a senior?" he asked. I nodded and looked down the hall for Louis.


"Cute name for a cute boy. I really like your curls, sexy." he smirked and stepped closer. I pushed my locker shut and stood against it.


"You should get to class, might be late," I mumbled.


"Mmmm I can be late for you, or if you want to walk me maybe?" he asked.


"He most definitely won't be walking you anywhere!" Louis' hissed and stepped between us. I thanked god and grabbed his arm, ducking so I was kind of hidden behind him.


"Ohh, so pretty boy has a cute protective boyfriend? Yeah, I would be protective if he was mine too." Nick chuckled.


"Well he isn't, so back the fuck off before I throw a punch," Louis growled and Nick put his hands up in defeat, stepping back.


"I'll see you later Harry," Nick smiled and threw me a wink before walking off.


"Louis," I whimpered.


"What the fuck was that? He wouldn't have bothered you if you weren't flirting.


"I-I wasn't Lou," I pouted and looked at him as he stepped out of my grip, turning to look at me.


"Then what did he want?" he snapped.


"He a-asked where the art w-wing was and then when I told him he stayed and continued flirting. Louis, I swear I wasn't flirting. I'd never," I mumbled. He sighed,


"I know, sorry baby. I'm just a little stressed, but I shouldn't take it out on you. C'mon, let's get to lunch, yeah?" he asked and grabbed my hand pulling me with him.


"Wait, but why are you stressed?" I asked confused trying to keep up right from his hard tug, making me stumble.


"Don't worry about it lovely," he smiled and kissed my jaw since it was the only place he could reach while we were walking. Today is suppose to be a good day. I have the date all planned out. I’m trying to forget the un-open letter from my dad thats sitting at Louis' house. He isn't suppose to be stressed, some new kid name Nick isn't suppose to flirt with me. This isn't part of the plans. It's suppose to be a normal day that we get through and a cute date to end the day. Having him stressed and not telling me what is causing it, is not fair.


"But Louis, I can help," I whined.


"Please Haz, baby, just drop it," he begged as we turned into the cafeteria. I sighed as we sat down at our table with Liam, Zayn, and Niall.


"Are you going to eat?" I asked him.


"M' not hungry." he explained. I sighed and started biting into my sandwich.


"Hey Louis, we should celebrate your birthday this weekend. Since it's winter break and Niall goes back to Ireland and Zayn and I are going to visit his dad back in Bradford this break, we can all get together this weekend!" Liam suggested.


"Oh sorry guys, but I have plans this weekend. Don't worry about it, no need to celebrate it, honest." Louis shrugged.


"Something wrong Lou?" Niall asked.


"Why is everyone asking me that? I'm fine, Jesus!" he hissed and stood up, walking out of the lunch room. They all turned and looked at me.


"He won't tell me," I shrugged and packed my lunch back up, going after him. It took me a minute to find him at his locker.


"You should have stayed in lunch, I don't want to talk," he explained, not even making eye contact with me.


"Fine, but I don't want to stay in there when you aren't. They aren't even my friends." I pointed out.


"Yes they are, they like you now," he sighed.


"Yeah because of you!" He shrugged and started walking off. I scurried to his side,


"why won't you talk to me? I thought we weren't going to keep secrets from each other anymore."


"This isn't a secret, you will understand why soon," he explained and turned into the garden.


"Louis, please? I want you to tell me. I want you to trust me. I want that to be our relationship," I pleaded. He took a seat on the stone bench and groaned.


"You will be mad," he pouted.


"No I won't, please Louis?"


"Fine! Fine, just don't get mad okay?" he asked. I nodded and looked down as he took my hand in his.


"When you were in the shower, I-I um, I opened the letter f-from your d-Ben." I snatched my hands out of his grip,


"you what? Louis, that wasn't yours! You aren't suppose to do that! That's mine, I didn't even want it open!" I was standing up by then but Louis was up too, grabbing for me again.

"Harry, I know and I'm sorry. I feel bad, but-but Haz, he is out of jail," he whispered and I felt my legs go weak and all I saw was darkness.

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