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Outside pov:


And maybe the plan wasn't set in stone. It didn't go exactly as they planned but that's life. Harry found out that his dad died in a drunk driving car accident. Harry went into shock for a day or two where Louis couldn't even talk to him properly. By the third day he was livid. Harry couldn't even explain why he was so angry, but Louis didn't question it. After a few weeks Harry was back to normal and falling into the college routine. Louis had a job during the day while Harry went to school; Louis took online night classes. Louis got out to pick Harry up and they spent the evenings together. Except for the few fights here and there, everything was good. Money wasn't a problem, school was good, work was good. Both were always tired but so was everyone else in the world. Sometimes Louis' sisters would come over so his mum could have a break- well that was his excuse to have them over. Really he just missed them, but no one knew that..besides Harry of course. Anne was great. Josh moved in with her after some months and Harry even, slowly, took a liking to him. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months which turned into years. And then life was whirling around the two boys still crazy in love with each other. They didn't end up traveling though because a little one, or two, joined then a little sooner than thought. Harry came home from work, did I mention he works in the hospital with the new born babies? Well you see he totally fell in love with one of the babies and that was it, he ran to Louis and begged him for kids. Because it's time. Yeah maybe Louis is only 25 and Harry is 24 but they were doing amazing and it was time okay?


Harry wanted it and Louis wanted it so what's the problem? So they went through the process. Decided that this time around they would be Louis sperm because Harry was praying for a blue eyed baby girl. Those months passed quickly. They set up a nursery that was mutuel colors because they decided they didn't want to know the sex of the baby. However, when the surrogate, Macy, asked if she could tell them something about the baby they insisted no, which is their problem. So on new years eve when they were called to go to the hospital they rushed there with tons of excitement. Their baby was coming! And yeah maybe Harry prayed it would be a girl the whole time but Louis just prayed that Harry would be happy because that's all he ever wanted. A few hours in the waiting room was all it took before they were allowed in to see the twins. Wait, what? Twins? They looked at each other confused and sprinted to Macy's room. They burst through the door and looked at the babies in her hands.


"Twins?" was all Harry could mutter out.


"I tried telling you guys but you weren't having it," Macy had explained. Louis just stood there, not saying a word. This was great! This was perfect! This shouldn't be so much of a shock, he has twin sisters! It runs in the family! But the best part was that there was a baby girl in her right arm and a baby boy in her left arm. A girl and a boy.


"Can I hold him?" Louis finally spoke up. Macy giggled and nodded, "he is yours not mine sweetie." Louis rushed forward and took him from Macy holding him carefully while watching him.


"Harry, come take her," he had heard Macy say. Harry, the idiot he was, tripped over himself and he hurried to his baby girl. He blamed the tears though because this was so unreal. He carefully took her from Macy trying to hold her but she was soon crying.


"Louis," he panicked. Louis looked up and smiled at the sight.


"C'mere baby," he instructed. Harry hurried over and Louis expertly fixed his little girl so she was being held correctly without disrupting is boy in his other arm. She stopped crying making Harry sigh in relief.


"I should have known I was holding her wrong," he had complained.


"You panicked, no big deal," Louis shrugged not wanting Harry to already feel like a shit parent. They all stood in silence as the boys rocked their babies and cooed over them, even making the baby sounds. A nurse came in a smiled asking for the names of the babies.


"We aren't going to try and match their names right?" Harry asked.


"So Nicole and Cole is out of the question?" Louis had teased, "kidding darling. Are they identical?" The nurse nodded and Louis smiled,


"that's enough pain for both of them. Name her and I got him?" Harry nodded and but his lip looking at his daughter in his hands. She was wrapped in a pink blanket with a pink hat. He carefully took the hat off and looked at the small hair in her head. Brown? A deep brown, like almost as dark as his. That's weird, Louis' hair is light brown more like a dirty brown.


"Don't think too hard baby, wouldn't want to hurt yourself," Louis joked. Harry ignored it though, thought flying through his head. She still has yet to open her eyes so he has a chance to see blue eyes still. A blue eyes and dark brown hair baby, Harry was ecstatic. She would be beautiful, breath taking!


"McKinley," he decided and looked up at Louis. When he was younger he always thought he would name his daughter Darcy but now, seeing her he just could feel that that name, McKinley, was the right one.


"Perfect," Louis had agreed, "and I still want Luke, okay?" Harry smiled brightly and nodded. The nurse smiled and took down their names. She asked for a middle name


"Rose," Harry explained. Louis shrugged when the nurse looked at him and looked down at Luke.


"Um William?"


"Yeah," Harry agreed.


"And which last name are they taking?" she asked.


"Tomlinson," Harry had replied without a second thought and not looking up from McKinley. McKinley Rose Tomlinson and Luke William Tomlinson. Okay, those are good.


"When do we get to take them home?" Harry asked.

"You should be able to tomorrow, just have to get some test results and then send you off." And really that was the end. The Tomlinson family lived happily ever after. Well as happy ever after of a normal family. But they were a family and that's all that mattered because of course they got married...and maybe even added another girl to the family. Either way, happy ever after.

A/N: THATS It, IttT IS OvER!!!:((( I'm sorry for the short, crappy ending, but I am known for those. I appreciate all of you for following me with this story and voting and commenting. I love you all and hope you enjoyed the story! Although this is over, I want to direct you to my newest writing, Heartache On the Big Screen. I am working on chapter three and I'm very excited. Take a look at it and also, if you have not already. Check out my other stories as well. Don't You worry, Don't You Worry; She's Lovely, is a short story that will yank your heart strings I promise andddd Perfectly Broken has just ended as well. So I'm still here even though this story is ending. Like always,  lots of love xx

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