Chapter Twenty Five

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Louis' pov:


I was sitting on Harry's bed watching him get ready. Today is his first day back to school after the accident. He took two weeks off because the doctor wanted him home and under watch. Anne and I took turns staying with him and making sure he took the prescription medicine. He has been a little snappy because he is sick of being watched but I was pretty good with relaxing him.


"So have you seen the house?" he asked as he pulled on a jumper.


"My house?" I asked confused. He nodded and flipped out his hair.


"Yeah, I'll have to take you to see it." I smiled and he nodded again.


"You sure you are okay to go today?" I asked. He shrugged and disappeared, going into his bathroom. I got up walking into the bathroom. I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my chin on his shoulder.


"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked. He rolled his shoulder and unhooked my arms from him, going into the room mumbling that he was fine. I rolled my eyes and followed after him. "Harry, talk to me," I begged grabbing his hand to make him stop walking.


"You should really get ready babe, we need to leave soon," he mumbled and leaned kissing my forehead. I dropped his hand and sighed going into the bathroom to get ready. I just want this week to be over so winter break can start. I still have to get Harry a gift and be ready for the dance. I got dressed and pulled a beanie over my hair. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag, going downstairs.


"Harry?" I called.


"Louis?" Gemma asked. I spun and looked at her. "He left already. I didn't know you were still here." she explained. He left? What the hell? I nodded and grabbed my keys going out to my car. I slammed the door and grabbed my phone calling him. He answers after four rings,


"what the fuck Harry?"


"Why are you mad at me, I wanted to walk it's not a big deal!" he hissed.


"Alone? I could have walked with you." I explained.


"You weren't ready, and I just wanted to walk alone." he said quietly.


"What did I do?" I asked confused.


"Nothing, really I just-" he stopped.


"Just what?" I asked.


"Nothing never mind," he sighed. I groaned,


"bye Harry." I hung up and threw my phone at the other seat. I buckled my seatbelt and turned my car on but my phone started ringing. I reached over and sighed looking at Harry calling. I probably should answer. I opened the call and held it to my ear not saying a word.

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