xix // cafeteria // xix

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finns pov

 I was sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch with Millie and Sadie. School lunches are pretty damn terrible. I think we were eating chicken, but it tasted more like a truck tire. Before lunch, Millie had told me about the whole ordeal with Maddie. It felt nice to know that Millie was willing to stand up for me. Nobody had ever done that for me before.

As we were eating, I seen a boy whom I recognized approaching our table. It took me a moment before I realized that it was the boy who saved me from a fight with Troy.

"Uh hi Caleb. Your name is Caleb right?" I questioned as he got closer to our table.

"Yeah, it is. Mind if I sit with you?" he asked. I nodded.

We scooted over to make room for him.

"Caleb, this is Millie and that's Sadie." I informed him.  

"Hi." Millie said as she reached out to shake his hand.

Sadie didn't say anything, she just stared at him and grinned a lot. Infact, Caleb did his fair share of staring and grinning as well. It was pretty awkward. Eventually Millie broke the silence

"Finn, are you doing anything tonight?" She asked

"Nope." I replied shaking my head.

"Well, do you want to do something?" Millie said as she took the last bite of her food.


*btw finn, millie, caleb, sadie, and maddie are all 15.

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