•Chapter 48•

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•Chapter 48•

Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark. The ground was cold and wet as my feet carried me across the woods to the parking lot of the apartment complex. There was no way I would be staying with him.

I reached the parking lot, getting into my car. I held the key tightly in my eft hand, before bringing them over to the ignition. Turning the key, then engine purred to life. Exactly how I liked it. I finally to the courage to leave the apartment complex and make the drive home.


I entered the house, the warm air welcoming.

"Where were you?!" Jakes booming voice filled my ears.

"I ran into someone." I mumbled, attempting to walk passed him.

"Who?" He sternly asked. His hand was wrapped around my forearm tightly. I got a good glance as his eyes, red rims circled around his eyes and got darker in the iris.

"You're drunk." I replied.

"You didn't answer my question!" He spat.

"It's none of your business!" I yelled back.

I was then tossed to the wall, his arms up above my head. "Get off me!" My voice came out more frightened than I wanted it to be.

"It's sexy when you're mad." He kissed along my jawline and down my neck.

"Get off!" I kicked his legs but nothing happened. "Fuck you!" My knee entered his lower region. "You have you a girlfriend you dick!" He fell to the ground in pain.

"You're going to regret doing that." His voice low and raspy. He stumbled to get onto his feet.

He's still unstable, which means that I could still have a chance. I took this moment to run out the door. I ran as fast as I could, soon losing feeling in my legs. I looked back at the house when I was a good distance away.

I smirked when I saw him stumble down the stairs to get to me. I only ran faster down the road.

"Get back here!" I heard him scream.

There was no way I would turn around. This was my time to leave a that was in the past. If I hadn't run off like this, I would still be stuck with his drunk ass. I've already lost too many people, not on purpose; but on accident. Nathan was one of them. I'd lost his trust before, and I want to gain it back.

My legs finally got their feeling back the farther I ran down the road. My chest began to burn slowly; creating my pace to be slower with each step.

I couldn't stop running, no matter how much I wanted to give up; I couldn't. I needed to see him. I needed to see Nathan.

I kept running until I felt like my chest would explode, which wasn't even close to Nathan's apartment complex. The sun was beginning to rise, and if I remember correctly, this was the time that Harry woke up.

"What are you doing here?" A voice sounded from behind me. I turned around to be greeted by the bright blue eyes that I once lost.

"Nathan!" I ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm so sorry that I did all of that. I'm trying to stop, this is for my own good. I'm sorry that I just threw you out of my life like a piece of trash. I'm sorry that I starts hanging out right Jake, after all the shit that you told me about him. I'm so sorry, Nathan." I mumbled into his chest.

He unhooked me from him. "It's okay but, why are you out here?" He asked again.

"I was coming to see you." I whispered from the lack of breathing.

"Why didn't you just take you're car?"

"Because Jake was being an ass and assaulted me." I said a little more clearly.

"Come back with me." He took my hand in his, pulling me over to his car. "I'm sorry that I did that to you. I've known Jake the longest, and I know the most about him. He always does this shit to girls, mainly my friends." He opened the passenger door.

"But what about Melanie?" I asked, remembering the blonde headed girl in pictures.

"Melanie isn't his girlfriend, she's his sister. They act like they are a couple so he can basically, rape, other girls. You aren't going back there." His voice got quieter with each word spoken.

I latched my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Thank you." I pulled away and got into the car.

"You're welcome." He closed my door, getting into the drivers side.


We were on our way down the road, the air conditioner giving us warmth from the outside cold. "What were you doing out there?" The question has been replaying itself in my head for the past thirty minutes; but I could never bring myself up to question the blue eyed boy.

"I was just around the area." His voice sounded uneasy, shaky even; but I decided to ignore it. Deciding that it was from the silence in the car. "Are you doing alright, since you left?" He glanced toward me when we reached a red light.

"Uhm. I have something to tell you." I scratched the back of my head, my hair moving up and down with my fingers. "I saw him, yesterday." I mumbled lowly.

"You what?!" He bursted.

"I saw Harry. I was out at the club, and he was there. He was begging me to take him back; that he would make up for all that he did. His expression when I left tore me to bits. I know I shouldn't care but I do. I care about him so much; but I want to do what's best for me." My voice became shaky and the lump in my throat grew, the more I reminisced.

•Thanks for reading! Sorry for the wait but this week has been hectic so.. Here's a longer chapter from the long wait! Please vote. It I only takes a second; and thanks so much for 10.1K reads on I Will Do Anything! Thanks so much you guys! 😘😘•


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