•Chapter 72•

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•Chapter 72•

•3rd Persons Pov•

The bullet shattered into pieces against his chest, not harming him at all. Sarah's tears stopped when the powder fell to the ground next to his feet. He turned his head to the side, looking down at the frightened girl. "I would do anything for you." Harry mumbled, looking back at Louis.

The color of Louis' eyes were a deep blood red. He ran up to Sarah, taking her in his grasp - him thinking she's Emily. "You're mine." He growled into "Emily's" ear. He gripped her arm tight, keeping her close. Harry tackled Louis to the ground, his eyes turning black. Louis had never seen anything like this in Eighty-Four years - the year when Emily died. He didn't want what happened to Emily happen to Sarah - even though he thought that Sarah was Emily. He never wanted to see it happen again.

Burning erupted on the surface of Sarah's skin. Soon enough, there were scars forming from the heat. The burning began to ease when Harry's eyes turned green again, but soon enough they turned black once more. The demons inside his head never slept. He didn't care at the moment about them - all he cared about was the love of his life.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Zayn ushered Sarah into his car, locking the doors before the others could pull her out again.

"W-what was that?" She breathed, attempting to stop the burning herself.

"I don't know. I wish that I did." Zayn explained shortly while they were on the road. "I'll take you back to Niall's. Liam will take care of you." His hand ran over his jaw. "None of this should have happened to you." Zayn mumbled when they pulled into the driveway of the mansion.

Sarah hastily left the vehicle, walking to the hospital wing. She rushed through the double doors. She looked down at the burn marks on her left arm. A hand print lay upon her skin. "Sarah." Liam voice startled her. "What happened?" Liam eyes trailed down to her arm. "I-I haven't seen this in years." He held her arm lightly.

"What are you talking about? It's happened before?!" Sarah frantically asked.

"You need to get out of here. Leave the state - away from Harry, and soon." Liam quickly wrapped up her arm in gauze. "I'll take you to your house so you can pack. I'll talk to your parents about this."

"Liam, answer me!" She yelled. He ignored her. Taking her hand and rushing her out to his car.

"I'll tell you soon. I promise." He opened up her door, allowing her in. Liam left the mansion, being careful not to pass the woods. He didn't need Sarah to end up like Emily.

When the car pulled up to the apartment, Nathan was stood in the doorway. "Are you alright?"

Sarah nodded, wiping tears from her eyes. The burning began again, she held her arm tightly. "I'm fine." She reassured the worried boy.

After several hours of packing, Sarah was then off down the road with Liam. She eventually stopped crying, and fell into a deep sleep.

Her dreams were filled with Harry's black eyes. They were pits of midnight black, a never ending black hole. She squirmed around in the passenger seat, unable to awaken. She felt as if she were being watched. When she awoke she was in a room. She could feel a presence behind her. A pain struck out in the side of her head. Black filled her vision as she lost all consciousness.

•Thanks for reading•


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