•Chapter 57•

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•Chapter 57•

Harry sat me down next to him on the bed, his knees brushing against mine. "Emily was a girl that Louis marked." He began. "She ran off one night, resulting in her getting killed."

"Who killed her?" I didn't want to know the answer to this question. I especially didn't want it to be him that killed Emily.

"David. I never realized that's what happened when she didn't return. After two years of her death, is when I started working for David." The mention of David's name caused me to cringe each time. I hated him so much. I'm glad that he's gone. "Then Louis found out her killed her around the same time. We always thought that it was just.. an accident or suicide. We were wrong." He paused for a moment, his gaze pouring into me. "Louis then thought that since I was working for the man that killed her; I was the one that killed her. He finally snapped the other night. He said that it was my fault that she's dead; that I was the one that killed her."

"Why would he use me to get to you?" I kept my gaze on his jade eyes.

"He thinks that if he takes you from me, it will be payback." He replied. His gaze left mine and went to our hands; intertwined fingertips, locked together as one.

"Why did Emily run off?" My voice became a small whisper.

"Louis was very protective. He only wanted her for her body and her blood. She finally confessed to me that she hated him; that's the night that she was killed." He finished off.

He got up from the bed, going over to his nightstand. He opened up the drawer, pulling out a sheet that looked like a picture. He handed me the paper. "That was, Emily. I took the picture the night she died." I'm took the picture from his fingertips.

Looking back up at me was a girl with hazel eyes, a bright smile, brunette hair. She was beautiful. I can understand why Louis marked her. She was the perfect match for him. Although, he took the advantage of making her his own. I could see small markings in her skin. Louis had to fuck up didn't he.

The picture was torn from my grip after a few minutes and placed back into the drawer. "She's pretty." I admitted.

"Yes. She was; but you are beautiful." He walked over to me, placing a soft kiss onto my forehead and placing another onto my lips.

A smile formed on my lips. His arms wrapped around my waist, hoisting me up onto my feet. My chest burned the more I stood there. I decided to ignore it at first, that is until it felt as if my chest was on fire.

"I'll be right back." I clutched onto my phone in my pocket, rushing outside. I popped open the pack of cigarettes in my pocket and lit the paper stick of tobacco. I inhaled the toxins, the burning immediately decreasing.

Smoke coiled out of my lips from my lungs. It disappeared into the air. After a few more puffs I flicked the ashes out into the woods ground. I threw the end of the cigarette as well. Stepping on the left over cigarette, Harry walked out watching me.

"You alright?" He looked toward the pack of cigarettes sitting on the porch. He chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm fine." The burning stopped under my foot. I stepped away to walk closer to him. "Are you upset with me?" I asked, entering his arms.

"Not at all; but I am going to help you stop." He kissed my head.

"Thank you." I hummed. The smell of Teakwood filled my senses as I inhaled. I missed this. I missed us.

"Do you want me to take you back?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I'll tell Nathan that I'm moving out. He'll understand once I explain."

"Feel free to move back in with me." He took my chin in his fingertips so I would have to look at him.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother."

"Don't worry about it." He took my hand in his; intertwining our fingers once again.

I nodded. I didn't want to leave him. No matter the cost; I wasn't going to let him go.

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