•Chapter 93• {THE ENDING}

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•Chapter 93•

•Harry's Pov•

I had to stop, but I couldn't. My mind wasn't in control anymore, it was my instincts. I finally built up the courage to let her go, and let the venom do the work. My hands wrapped around her waist, allowing her feet off the ground as I lead her into the bedroom.

Her frame looked weak and fragile from the large loss of blood. I didn't know how long this would take, but I was never going to leave her side. Her hand was loosely captivated in mine as I sat there, watching as her features changed. Her hair grew as dark as a ravens wings. Her lips grew the shade of blood, deep red. Her skin, turning white and temperature ice cold. It's almost as if she were Snow White.

During my time waiting, the voices faded and I was finally alone to think by myself without them interrupting. I loved the feeling of being myself again after Eighty-Four years.

I lived in fear and pain for all those years that they would never leave. After my parents died, I didn't know what to do, other than run away from the torture. The man that I called "master" was no dead, and never coming back. I still loathe my once best friend, unless that is he gives up. He might have been using the advantage of knowing the demons still existed to get the message out better to me. I wouldn't blame him for doing what he did if that is right.

Hours later, Liam returns from his whereabouts hours prior. I heard the hard souls of his shoes make their way to the bedroom. His head poked in, looking at the two of us. "Is she alright?"

"Yeah. She hasn't woken up yet." I muttered. My voice seemed a little more hoarse than usual from the long hours of not talking.

He walks in, slowly making his way to the other side of the bed. His hand traced over the mark, that is no longer there. "Did you know that the mark disappears?" He questioned slowly.

"I do now, but I don't need a mark to show that she's mine." My eyes trailed to the engagement ring warped around her left ring finger. A small smile formed on my lips as I watched the muscles in her hand move a little.

I looked back up to her face. Her eyes moved slightly under neath her lids. In a matter of seconds, her eyes fluttered open, her regular dark grey eyes, were now a bright blue against her white skin. She smiled at me when her gaze shifted to me.

This was a new beginning.

To think it all started with her being Taken.

•THIS IS THE END OF TAKEN 2! Taken 3 is gonna be starting really soon! If you can, please send in entries for new covers that I could use for this trilogy. I've only gotten one entry and if you guys would please send them to me on Twitter



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