•Chapter 85•

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•Chapter 85•

I will ascend the heavy weight pressed against my insides and engrave them onto each of your cigarettes so that you will finally have me accustomed into your lungs, just in the way that I have breathed you in.

•Harry's Pov•

It was already stressful knowing that someone was still after Sarah; but just to add onto it all - she's in a hospital with a few minor injuries. Even though they weren't severe, I still wasn't going to let Daniel get away with what he did. Now here she lay, an IV sticking through her pale skin, wires wrapped around her hands. Her eyes stay closed underneath the burning white lights. Her hands twitched at her sides out of anticipation to wake up soon. I hated seeing her this way; yet I'm never there to stop it. I don't know why I keep trying to keep her safe when it all tumbles down. Sometimes I think that she would be better off without me, but the last time that happened she ended up becoming an alcoholic and started smoking. That option wouldn't work, but if it did come down to that, I would allow her to leave and have her go back to her normal life. In a matter of years she would forget me but I would still have her memorized into my mind as if it were a tattoo engraved into my skin.

The beeping monitor caught me out of my trails of thoughts when the loud, obnoxious, monotone beeps sped up. I quickly looked over to the beautiful girl, her eyes were still closed, but her features were twisted into fright and despair. She was having a nightmare. I stood up carefully. My hands were propped up against the arms of the tattered up black leather chair. I pushed myself forward, each step softly echoing along the hospital room walls. I grabbed her hand gently, caressing her knuckles. Her features softened against my touch. A small smile formed on my lips as her eyes softly fluttered open.

She squinted under the blinding lights before she spoke. "Harry." Her voice was delicate but hoarse at the same moment. She finally adjusted to the lights after I lifted up her bed slowly, trying not to harm her.

"You alright?" I questioned, my hand still wrapped around hers. The room had a warm atmosphere. Everything was quiet apart from the soft murmuring of doctors and nurses outside the patients doors.

She nodded. "How long was I out?" I reached passed her for the styrofoam cup on her bedside table.

"Here, drink this." I instructed. She took the cup into her fragile hands, taking small sips. "You were out for a couple of hours." I answered her question when she placed the cup back onto the table. I didn't need to ask her what happened. I already got what I needed.

"How badly hurt am I?" She felt along her sides gently, her fingertips trailing along the tight bandages around her waist.

"A few of your bones are bruised, mainly on your ribs. Nothing really major." I decided to leave out the severe bleeding that appeared on her forehead when we saw her in the alley way.

She nodded. "Come here." She reached her hand toward mine. I scooted closer as she scooted over, later to the monitors and IV's. "Lay with me." She instructed. I chuckled before wrapped her in my arms gently. A smile formed on her pink lips before I leaned down and kissed her softly. It was more like a 'I'm-glad-you're-still-mine' kind of kiss; soft and gentle.

I loved being with her and I would give up anything and everything to be with her forever. Although, it couldn't be forever, since her life would eventually end and mine wouldn't; hopefully. Unless I were to change her, which was something that she's wanted me to do lately; I just don't feel like it's the right moment, yet.

She breathed in a long breath, her features softening as her body relaxed in my embrace. A kiss was placed upon her forehead as we lay wrapped in each other's arms in a sweet blissful silence.

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