•Chapter 78•

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•Chapter 78•

•Bethany's Pov•

Daniels hand wrapped around Sarah's neck, pulling her closer to him. Her fingertips clawed at his hands, attempting to get him to stop. Her blue eyes fluttered closed as she lost consciousness. A grin formed on my lips as she lay on the floor. "Great." I used the end of my foot to push her head to the side.

"Why did you make me do this?" Daniel finally spoke up.

"Do you not remember what Harry did to David - your brother, who's now dead?!" I yelled. He looked down, his hands balled into fists at his sides. "That's what I thought." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Pick her up." I instructed.

There was no reason for David to die. Harry was the one who killed Emily, but he tried blaming it on someone else. Louis never did believe him, but Harry kept living a lie.

Daniels arms wrapped around her lower back and her knees. He brought her over to the couch. Her arms were loosely hung over his grasp, dangling close to the floor. "Where do you want me to--" I cut him off.

"On the couch." I answered as I grabbed a bandana. She was sat down on the couch, her hands at her sides. I wrapped the bandana around her head and across her mouth. "I'll be right back." I left the living room. I pushed open my bedroom door and found some thick thread. I brought it out to the living room and placed Sarah's hands behind her back. I placed the black thread at her wrists, wrapping the small wool piece around her hands.

A guitar toned ringing appeared from her pocket. I reached for her jeans, grabbing her phone. Harry's ID showed up on the screen. At the same moment, Sarah's eyes fluttered open.

I answered the call, smiling at her. "Hello, Harry." Her eyes grew wide as she tried to break out of the barriers. She attempted to yell behind the gag covering her mouth.

"Hey. Is Sarah there?" His voice filled the speaker as I walked across the living room, attempting to avoid her screams.

"Uh. She's kind of busy at the moment." I replied.

"What do you mean "busy"?" He questioned.

"She just can't talk right--" I was cut off by Sarah's screams. The gag was fled from her mouth.

"Harry! Help!" She yelled. The phone call was then hung up and I was the one fearing for my life.

•Thanks for reading!•


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