•Chapter 81•

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•Chapter 81•

•Harry's Pov•

I roamed the hallways of the now empty home. Walks cleaned and polished. Furniture ready to be transported to London. Small knick knacks stored away in boxes. - Ready for it's next owner. My boots echoed along the wooden floors, making their way to the basement. I reached for the bronze knob, my motion stopping when small footsteps carried behind me.

"Are you alright?" Sarah's sweet, delicate voice echoed softly in the empty corridor.

"Yeah." I turned around, my hand now shoved into my pocket. Her blue eyes stared into mine. "Do.." I stopped. "Do you trust me?" I asked, not wanting to hear the wrong answer - to my perspective.

She looked stunned by my question, but she answered. "Of course I trust you. Why wouldn't I?" She placed her arms around her back, wrapping one hand around her wrist - a habit she got from being with me.

"I was just wondering." I slowly replied. "It just didn't seem like you would - with all that's happened." I decided to not leave her with suspicion.

She looked down at her shoes, tapping her foot backwards and forwards. She looked back up at me, her eyes glistening. She quickly walked up to me, wrapping her arms around my waist as her head was buried in my left shoulder. "It's going to be okay. I promise." I wrapped my arms around her waist, placing a kiss onto her forehead as she sobbed into my shoulder. Her body shook in my arms, her hands gripping tightly to the hem of my shirt, trying to stop the shaking.

"They're going to find us." Her voice was shaky, her breathing coming in short puffs of air.

"No, they won't. I promise you that." I released her waist, running my hands over her arms. I knew exactly who she was talking about - Louis and Bethany.

"Yes they will. You know they will." She protested. I lifted her chin up with my index finger and thumb. Her eyes were filled with red around the edges and tears stains littered her cheeks and lips. My hand cupped her cheek, my thumb running over the salty moisture. Her eyes shifted over all my features. "I-I'm sorry." She stuttered, getting out of my grip and wiped away the tears herself.

I grabbed her hand again, pulling her back over to me. "You don't have to do this you know? You don't have to keep playing a role that you don't want to." I peered down at her, the light in the hallway dimmed slowly.

She just stared at me blankly, although not breaking our close contact. She moved her left hand, a small glistening catching my attention. I gripped her hand and wrapped around her ring finger, was the engagement ring. A smile formed on my lips. "Does Perrie know?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah." She looked down at the ring, but shifter her gaze back to mine. "You're the last one to find out actually." She admitted.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, releasing her hand.

"I wanted you to find out yourself." She looked down. I gripped her chin between my fingers, pressing my lips to hers in a passionate kiss.

"I love you." I whispered, my eyes closed and brows furrowed.

"And I love you." She replied, kissing me once again.

"Come on." I nudged my head toward the door. "They're waiting." I gripped her hand, our fingertips brushing passed each other's to lock our hands as we walked out into the cool atmosphere of the woods.

•Thanks for reading.•


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