Your first date (male)

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Jon Snow
You shared a private meal. You laughed and talked long into the night. It was your favorite date because you fell for Jon.

Robb Stark
He took you horseback riding. You shared a horse and he took you riding through the forest. It was beautiful. He packed a picnic and you guys ate while you got to know each other. It was the best date ever because you were with Robb.

Bran Stark
He took you on a walk. You walked hand in hand. You just talked. It was your number one date because you got to be closer to Bran.

Rickon Stark
You had a picnic under the stars. He had the cooks make a good meal. He laid out a blanket with the food and pillows. You ate then just laid close together talking and watching the sky. It was this greatest date because it confirmed your feelings for Rickon.

Theon Greyjoy
He took you to a beautiful dinner he had set up in the forest. All you guys did after you ate was laugh, talk, and flirt in to early morning. He then walked you over to the courtyard and showed you how he was with a bow and a sword. It was a great date because it showed he really cared for you.

Tommen Baratheon
You accompanied him to the feast in your sister and Joffery's honor. You guys spent the night laughing and talking. It was your all-time favorite date because you had the time of your life.

Joffery Baratheon
You walked around Winterfell and through the woods by the lake all over the place really. You walked hand in hand once your head on his shoulder when you got in the forest. You talked and laugh. Joffery told you how you brought another side of him out and how he wished it was you he got to marry. It was the best date you ever had and ever will have because it showed you a whole another side of the future king.

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