How he protects you

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Jon Snow-

When you lived at castle black for that short time he always kept an eye on you. If the brothers of the night watch tried to hurt you he would be there in a flash pressing longclaw against there neck and threatening them. If you came to him telling him the stares were bothering you he would pull his men aside and tell them to knock it off. When you got back to Winterfell to protect you from your nightmares Ramsay caused by wrapping his arms around you kissing your head and holding you. When in Dragonstone he protects you by making sure you are safe from the dragon queens Dothraki horde.

Robb Stark-

He always protected your honor. He would not allow his lords to make pervy comments or give pervy stares. When he went to war he hired two guards to accompany you everywhere. When you were queen Robb handpicked a group of five ladies from the North to keep your company.  He always made sure to check on you throughout the day. 

Bran Stark-

Bran was not very good when it came to swords or bows but he learned to tune his gift and was able to see when danger would be placed in front of you. Even though he knew he was dangerous changing things but he would always make sure to change something or have someone there to protect you.

Theon Greyjoy-

Theon did not let anyone insult your low boy status. Theon did not let anyone insult you at all. He did not allow anyone to get to close or make any perverted comments. He wouldn't even let anyone look at you for too long. If they did he would either lose it and attack them if it was too bad or storm over to the situation and pull you away if it was mild. If he was busy he would still manage to check up on you through the day.

Joffery Baratheon-

If anyone even looked at you too long or in the wrong way Joffrey had them on their knees in the throne room teaching them a lesson as the entire court watches. If they insulted you or your honor they could kiss their lives goodbye.

Tommen Baratheon-

Tommen had been taught how to use a sword but he wasn't good at it. Which bothered him cause he felt like he couldn't protect you.  Well, that was until he hired his own guards to make sure you were always safe. 

Ramsay Bolton/snow-

Ramsay would kill someone that even gave you a look that lasted more than a few seconds or gave you a look of disproval. He would make people beg for death that tried to hurt you or made you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in any way.

Jaime Lannister-

Jaime was one of the best swordsmen in the seven kingdoms and beyond. Jaime made it quite clear to everyone how much you mean to him without actually telling everyone. Most people did not think let's hurt Tywin Lannisters favorite niece or the queen's favorite cousin but the few that did usually remembered Jaime and decided against it. Though there were a few people that were idiots and did but Jaime was a Lannister and dealt with them just like he dealt with people that threatened him with death.

Tyrion Lannister-

He couldn't protect you. It hurt him but it was the truth.

Gendry Waters-

Gendry knew how to use a sword and used it but he also made sure he taught you to use it and use it well. After he came back to you he used his sledgehammer. He was a Baratheon and definitely had there temper. So he made sure you were well protected.

Oberyn Martell-

Oberyn was patient and he handled whatever happened to you calmly unless it upset you then they had the red viper to deal with and that was never pretty but he didn't just kill them he humiliated them.

Viserys Targaryen-

Viserys was not very strong but he did have people who served and protected him so he always had one of them take of whoever has inconvenienced you but typically he never even knew because you had a temper and strength of your own

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