your first fight (male)

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Jon Snow
You knew Jon had to prepare for battle so he was quite busy. He didn't really have time for you. You went into his tent to see if he can spare a moment of his time. When he said he was busy he will spend tomorrow with you. You had it he had been saying that all week and you were sick of it. "You have been saying this all week and not being honest I'm done Jon I can't be with someone who doesn't spend time with me," you screamed not realizing just how loud you were. "I have shit to do if I don't do this I go in to battle unprepared I die do you not get that stop making things about you for once so I can save mine, Rickon, and a bunch of soldiers out there," he raised his voice without even looking around to see you. "Ok Jon I will go but consider yourself single this isn't about me this is about not wanting to distract you by Jon I love you I hope you win I will be leaving the camp to find another place by daybreak tomorrow," you say softly before turning around to walk off. He snapped around grabbing your arm turning you around looking you in the eye and saying "that is not what I want you didn't deserve that but I am so stressed and hearing you say that just broke me but you are not going anywhere I love you and we will make this work and im sorry I have been mistreating I will spend the next 3 and 1/2 days with you the whole time," "thank you I love you my knight in shinning armor," you replied before sharing a passionate heated kiss.

Rob Stark
He came to y/t (your town) to tell you the good news that you were his dethroned himself but It was a surprise. He arrived and saw you in the courtyard of the castle with a boy around your age a little older talking and laughing with you. He decided to confront you later and get settled in. When you saw Robb you ran to him tears coming out of your face you jumped on him kissing him he kissed back. You ate with your family, betrothed, and friend before sending your friend to his chambers. You said goodnight and were about to get ready for bed when you heard a knock on the door. You opened the door to reveal the future lord. You invited him in before closing the door. You went to hug him but he stopped you. "What is wrong," you asked? "What was that," he asked angrily? "What was what," you asked? "That guy who was he why were you flirting do you not love me anymore did you ever love me," he bombarded you with questions? "He was my best guy friend we met when I was 2 and he was 4 he came to visit because I missed you I never was flirting with him we were just being friends and laughing and talking I obviously love you and it hurts that you didn't trust me," you said adding anger at the end. "It is hard when you were so far away," he answered. "I should be saying that you were the one who laid with practically every maid at your castle," you yelled. "I haven't laid with one since I met you," he argued. "Well, I trusted you-you didn't trust me," you yelled. "I'm sorry I should have never I was just jealous I'm so sorry I love you," he says. "I love you too," you said and kissed him.

Bran Stark
"You ok," Bran asked. "Would you be okay if your brother died in front of your eyes because he had to help some boy with a quest," you lashed. "Hey I was just to make sure you were alright but it wants my fault," he answered angrily. "Who's was it then," you pleaded with your eyes. "His," he replied. "NO IT IS YOUR FAULT YOU HAD TO WANNA TO COMPLETE YOUR STUPID QUEST OF MEETING THAT THREE EYED RAVEN," you yelled at Bran. "IT IS NOT MY FAULT IT IS HIS HE IS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT ME IT WAS HIS DECISION TO BRING ME HERE," he yelled back. "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN I AM IN OVER A STUPID QUEST TO MEET YOUR THREE EYED RAVEN," you hollered. "OH REALLY SO I DON'T UNDERSTAND MY DAD IS DEAD MY BROTHER IS DEAD MY MOM IS DEAD MY SISTER IS BEING TORTURED BY THE KING MY OTHER SISTER IS MISSING MY HALF BROTHER HASN'T BEEN SEEN IN YEARS OH AND I HAD TO SEND MY LITTLE BROTHER AWAY," he screamed back. "I'm sorry bran I never meant to lash out I'm just hurting and I don't know Hoe to handle it," you said softly. "It will hurt for awhile but I will be here as long as you let me," he says pulling you into him as you cried into his shoulder

Theon Greyjoy
You saw Theon flirting with one of the village girls and you saw Robb not too far away in Theon view so you decided to get payback. You skipped over and started flirting with Robb. Theon pushed her to the side almost instantly and was at my side in seconds. "What are you doing," he growled. "What does it look like," Robb said. "Well stop and leave," the ironborn said through his teeth. "Ok," Robb mumbled before saying goodbye. He pulled you into the forest before yelling, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" "the countless women you have flirted with," you replied calmly. "I KNOW ROBB I KNOW WHAT HE WAS THINKING I USED TO BE LIKE THAT HE WANTED TO LAY WITH YOU AND YOU ARE MINE AND NO ONE ELSE'S," he hollered. "NO YOU DON'T GET TO FLIRT AND I CANT," you screamed back. "I DON'T," he yelled. "BULLSHIT," you hollered back. "Fine I'm sorry I don't realize I do I will try to do better but please come talk to me and pull me away do not flirt with other guys I love you," he said honestly. "I love you too," you say.

Tommen Baratheon
Joffery had died on his and Margery wedding day. Now they wanted Tommen and your sister to wed. "Tell them no Tommen tell them you will not marry her," you pleaded with him. "I can't," he argued. "You don't care about me do you-you want to marry her don't you-you like her," you said/questioned sadly. "Of course I care and no and no but I have to do what I have to do I am king now I have to do this for my brother my family my kingdom it is not personal so don't make it," he replied back angrily. "Fine do it marry my sister but I will not be yours while you are her's so goodbye," you say softly. "Come on you know how it works we get married I give her a kid and on the side, I can be with who I please," he explained. "This crown has changed you and I will not be here anymore because you are not Tommen Baratheon the boy I fell in love with you are Tommen Lannister the evil cruel king's little brother the one following in Joffery footsteps," you say angrily. "Scratch everything I said I just took advice from my grandpa and it went that way I'm sorry I love you I will refuse to marry Margery she isn't the one I love you are," he says. "I'm sorry and I love you too," you say before kissing him.

Joffery Baratheon
"Hello my queen," he says as he wraps his arms around you from behind and kisses your cheek. "Don't touch me," you gritted threw your teeth. He let go of you saying, "what is wrong y/n?" "I don't know your grace MAYBE THE FACT THAT YOU BEHEADED MY FATHER," you say raising your voice in the end. "he was a traitor he deserved it," he says calmly. "HE WASN'T A TRAITOR HE WAS DOING AS YOUR FATHER SAID YOUR FATHER THE KING ROBERT BARATHEON HE WAS DOING AS HE SAID," you yell. "HE WAS A TRAITOR HE TRIED TO GET IN THE WAY OF ME BEING KING," he hollered back. "THEN YOU SAID YOU WOULD GRANT HIM MERCY YOU LIED," you screamed. "I DID GRANT HIM MERCY HIS BEHEADING IS A MERCY JUSTICE FOR BETRAYING THE KING," He wells. "YOU ARE A LIAR AND A CRUEL MONSTER," you screech. "You're A TRAITOR LIKE YOUR FATHER, YOU CALL ME LIAR YOU LIED TO ME YOU SAID YOU LOVE ME AND WILL ALWAYS LOVE ME," he yells tears coming out of his eyes and well as yours. "WELL BEHEAD ME THEN LOCK ME UP THEN BEHEAD ME," you yelled. "STOP IM SORRY BUT I HAD NO CHOICE I GAVE HIM MERCY COMPARED TO WHAT MY MOTHER PLANNED I LOVE YOU AND can't lose you," he says before his vice flattened at the end. "I love you to Joffery I'm gonna need some time but I do love you," you said. "Ok I can deal with that," he said. He hugged you and kissed you before walking away.

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