Main Character (Girl)

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Don't even get me started on the main character. Sometimes I just feel like my head is going to explode because of how stupid authors act sometimes. Honestly you don't even need to read other stories for the main character. I can give her entire story right here!

If the main character is a girl then she is always described as a beautiful person, a nerd( I'll get to that after a few chapters),is shy and always thinks that she is the ugliest person on earth. Did I mention that she looks like a model? She is often a freshman and is the only one who is not head over heels for the popular jock. Oh- I almost forgot! She is a total KLUTZ! And is coincidently always tripping over herself in front of the jock. And the Jock obviously is in madly in love with her. And then they have to team up for some class project or something and they get close and become a couple and blah blah blah blah. It's all overused and annoying.


Chapter 1: Cara is a big dork.

Chapter 2: Cara hates Ryan the Jock.

Chapter 3: Ryan proposes Cara.

Chapter 4: Cara has 101 friends.

Chapter 5: Sophie ruins Cara's life.

Chapter 6: Ryan protects Cara from Sophie.

Chapter 7: They live happily ever after! THE END.


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