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"Really?",he asked me his eyes sparkling.

"I don't know", I say, eyes bright with curiosity.

"Well, then you have to find out", he says his eyes hardening.

"I'll find out who it was don't worry", I say and rush off.


I'm gonna say it right of the bat, this is really annoying. I mean, mentioning the fact that the person's eyes sparkle or whatever once in a while is okay but in every single sentence is too much. 

Wattpad writers use it so much that it gets to a point where I literally start picturing the person's eyes sparkling like starts or hardening into stone. And I bet if you read the above conversation over and over again then you too will agree with me.  

And to be honest I don't have a problem with these phrases because I get it. I know that these phrases or words are used to enhance or improve your writing and to not let your readers get bored of simple sentences. I was in that situation too so I know the struggle. But there many stories out there where these words have been used so many times I literally cannot. 

So if you use these phrases then all the other readers(I bet) and I don't have a problem at all but if you use them every two sentences then I would personally have to fly to Ohio and make you right straight.

Please do me a favor and make me smile by clicking that star at the bottom of your screen!

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