Drunk Good-Girl Pt.2

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Cara POV
I woke up early and didn't know where the heck I was. Then I saw another boy with jet black hair and a kind and pleasant face next to me. With a shock I realised that this was Ryan. I couldn't help myself. I got up, half sitting half lying in bed and stared at him.Helooed allot younger and more at peace. Almost... angelic. Then he stirred and I quickly got under the covers pretending the be asleep.

Ryan POV
I woke up and looked at Cara sleeping beside me. She looked really pretty and I felt like planting a kiss on her cheeks but I knew she was awake. I just knew.

"Open your eyes. I know you're awake",I said. She opened her big blue eyes, as beautiful as ever. "you don't have to pretend in front of me you know",I said.


No. Just no.I can't stand this. I mean why do you even want to write this kind of stuff. It is so over used. And it doesn't even make sense!Don't even get me started on the starting stuff. I mean it is so creepy that you want to state at a person sleeping. Many authors will be like 'yeah but stalking people is the same thing'. No, stalking is not the same thing. Stalking is a secret, this is not. And every single time this happens Bad-Boy looks really "at peace" and "angelic".Like,how? I really don't want to question this any more.All I know is that this is cliche and overused. 

And then when the guy wakes up he thinks the girl is really pretty and whatnot and wants to make out with her but SOMEHOW using his superpowers he knows that the girl is awake.And when he tells the girl that he knows that she is awake she actually opens her frickin eyes! I mean if I was that girl I would just keep my eyes shut and pray that he gives up and goes and makes me some breakfast.

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