Drunk Good-Girl

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She was roaming around the party with a paper cup in her hand and randomly dancing with strangers.Drunk.She was drunk. She stumbled into my hands and I caught her.Her breath smelled of beer and scotch.How she found scotch at this party I don't know.

"I'm sooo drunk Ryan",she said.

"Yeah,I know Cara.Now listen.I'm gonna take you home with me alright?Now come on,let's get to my car",I said.

"Carry me home my prince",she said,giggling uncontrolably.

I sighed and picked her up.She wouldn't be able to walk 3 feet without falling and hurting her head if she kept this up. I made her comfortable in the passenger's seat of my blue Maserati.I was about to go and get into the driver's seat when she caught my hand and looked me directly in the eyes.Our faces where just a few centimeters away.

"I love you",she whispered and then went to sleep.,"I love you too",I whispered.


These are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo over used I can't even breathe without seeing these in a high school story. What you saw there are actually two cliches. The first one is that Good-Girl get's drunk and turns into a hot effing mess.Second was that she stumbles into the hands of Bad-Boy who likes her a bit and takes her home.On the way, Drunk Good-Girl tells him that she lives him and even he tells her that he likes her. 

For the first cliche,how is it even possible that such a nice,organised girl turns into that rachet...thing when she gets drunk? Now I wouldn't know,me and none of my friends have gotten drunk(I'm still in Middle School) so I wouldn't know.So this might make sense,think what you want to I don't know,but the fact is that it is really overused.Like I dare you to right now or after reading my rant,check the first high school romance novel you get and see if it has this seen.I'm pretty sure it will.

For the second cliche,why?JUST WHY? Like,I am just fed up of these cliches. But it's not the fact that the girl says I love you no no,it's the fact that he actually RESPONDS by saying that he likes her as well! I mean,for all we know that girl might not be drunk and pulling some sort of prank on the guy or maybe she's just testing him or suddenly she isn't drunk!

Okay,the last one didn't make sense but my point is that no one would actually do that in real life.No matter how drunk they are they would have a little sense to control their tongue from telling their crush or any random person that they like him.And even the guy would know better then to respond.Heck,if I was the guy I would just take her to my house,give her a separate room and take her to school the next day.

Also this is just a part one of the above story. The next part is in the next chapter.

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