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If you live a blessed life  I am pretty sure that you have amazing parents but in Wattpad,parents don't exist! And the widest part is that it is always the Bad-Boy whose have the type of parents! Anyways, there are three points that I have noted down about the parents:

1)The parents are working over seas and don't have time to visit their Bad-Boy son. Like come on! Not everyone's parents work over seas. And what annoys me even more in this topic is that one day the Bad-Boy will be bawling his heart out about how his parents are overseas but the minute he has some public show BAM! His parents appear. Don't you think that's a tad bit fishy?(get it? Fishy? No? Okay. I am horrible at puns) How does someone's parent just frickin randomly appear from halfway across the world??

2) The parents either died in a car crash or met with a plane accident. And no,it cannot be anything different,it is always these two things. Okay so I know that this is a touchy subject for most people but not every one's parents have to be DEAD. It just annoys me so much I feel like banging my head on a wall. Why,just WHY??

3) The parents are abusive. Again,this is a touchy subject but just because the guy is a Bad-Boy it doesn't mean that he must have abusive parents! Why not give him the kindest parents in the world? That is a story I would read,plus it would give you a lot more stuff to put in your book since the character's parents actually frickin care about him.

4) The parents drink. Alot. And when I say this I mean that they frickin buy half the bar at a party.Honestly,why the HECK would you want to make someones parents heavy drinkers? Just because they deserve an emotional backstory that the girl can tell Bad-Boy about? Also,it's usually Good-Girl who has these types of parents and she usually says that she studies so much because she wants to help her parents.I have no problem with this so don't go deleting half your story but all I am saying is that I think this idea is really overused.

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