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You know, I wrote about a lot of stuff in this book. Every cliche that I could think of is in this book but I realized that one of the most important ones isn't here at all! And it's not there in a couple other Wattpad cliche books either. 

So here, let me educate some of you guys about a proper The End.

You see, the way to end a book perfectly is to satisfy your audience while still leaving a bit of suspense for the sequel, if any unlike MOST best selling authors *cough* Rick Riordan *cough*

If your story has a darker side and you're not sure how to end it happily my advice is: Don't. It's not compulsory to have a Happily Ever After. That's sort of the point of writing a dark story. Not every story should end happily. I mean, Titanic! That movie ended on a really sad note and people love it so much. 

Or, if your story is a brighter one and you want to tone it down a bit, do it! It's okay if your story takes a bit of a dark turn in the end. 

Another problem is teen fics. To be honest, I can't give you any advice in this genre because the variety of endings that can be written are SO many. You could get them married, or let them break up or kill one of em or put them in a long distance relationship and about twenty other options. It really depends on your thinking.  One thing that I've noticed, though, is that authors are TERRIFIED of making their characters break up. I mean, sure that would sort of change the persona of the book but not all relationships can last. Make them break up, but in a happy way. It would be a nice ending if the characters both know that they're too different or if they just wouldn't work out like they hoped they would or would be better off as friends. 

One type of ending that I always appreciate is when the MCs aren't exactly sure of what to do next, but they know they'll be together and happy. That type of ending is always satisfying and leaves a lot of space for readers to think about 'what ifs'. That way, you can always have a prompt for a sequel or not at all. 

And now that I have a book in the works, I can understand why authors kill a couple characters, sometimes right toward the end. So, if you're writing a book and feel like killing a character, then feel free to do it. But please, don't go around mass murdering your characters if you don't have anything else to do in the book. Just let it rest until you come up with an idea. 

Tip: if you plan to stop updating for a while, make sure you add an 'On Hold' in the title of your book or else I can tell you from experience, it ain't gonna be pretty.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little special chapter. I worked hard on it and I hope all of you like it.

Please do me a favor and make me smile by clicking that star at the bottom of your screen!  

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