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"Hey you doin?",Ryan asked.

I blushed and said,"I'm good.How are you?"

"Oh,I'm great.Nice day,don't you think?"

I blushed and said,"yeah.The weather's really nice".

"Okay,so I'll catch you later I guess"

I blushed and said,"yeah.I'll catch you later too.I guess."


Ugh.Can somebody say CLICHAY! This is soooooo overused I can't even breathe here without seeing this ten times a day. This again points out the fact that girls are inferior to boys. How is it possible that a girl is able to blush SO MANY TIMES! And honestly if I read the line"I felt heat rise to my cheeks and I found myself blushing" I will kill the writers who wrote it. Like,okay I understand the fact that you felt heat rise to your cheeks I mean even I do blush once in a blue moon but how do you not know that you're blushing. What do you mean by the fact that you "found" yourself blushing? How do you not realize that you're blushing until that guy tells her that she's blushing.And then she starts blushing even more and then says "oh,I'm sorry". Like gurl a sorry ain't gonna fix anything.And why would you even say sorry?I mean,just use that moment to flirt with him or something.But wait,that girl can't do that because she is clumsy and insecure AF! 

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