Main Character(Boy)

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Same thing as the last chapter. My head's gonna explode.

The guy is usually an introvert, has a couple of geeky and dorky friends, gets good grades and like the main girl, is very clumsy and is the only guy who doesn't like the mean girl. And the mean girl is obviously in love with the guy and she flirts with him 24/7.Mean girl isn't the only one who likes him, h note doesn't realize it but other girls like him too. He actually looks really good and knows it but doesn't like to draw attention to himself. He is always being bullied by the Jock and does nothing to stop him even though he's like... ripped. Unlike the main girl,the guy completely ignores the mean girl because he's already secretly crushing on the clumsy main girl and is heart broken when he finds out that the main girl is already in a relationship with the Jock.


I slammed my locker shut and headed to Bio which I had with Cara. I really wanted to talk to her.We are good friends but I really like her. I reached class where Cara was very excited. She said,"Josh! Ryan proposed to me and being the asshole I am I said yes!" I was very sad.Well,I guess I wait till she realizes that Ryan is an asshole and then propose to her because that happens in every other book right?


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