PJO- Festus

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Okay so I really wanted to make this point clear.If you guys don't know what Percy Jackson is then you can just skip this chapter but I am a dam big fangirl of PJO so I really wanted to make this point clear.

You see, there are a ton of Percy Jackson fanfiction out there on Wattpad,most of them being that Percy and the rest of The Seven plus Reyna,The Stolls and a few other characters go to high school, commonly Goode High. I have no problem with these stories, I wrote one of these too. But what really annoys me is that the writers completely forget about Festus! I mean, he was one of the most important people (yes, I said people cuz Festus ain't just a machine) in the Giant War! I mean, without him and Leo,Gaia would have taken over the world and we all would have been in Tartarus by now! And usually when I read these stories I finds no problem with the beginning,they go,settle in their rooms,etc.etc. But then something happens and they have to go to Camp! They go to Camp and then soon this whole mystery is solved but not even once do they even mention Festus. It's as if once the war was over and Leo returned, they threw Leo into high school with the others and told Festus okay!You did a nice job now go away ya'nasty! Honestly,I just hate that. Some fangirls here say that they would die for Leo but how will Leo ever love you back if you don't care for his best bud'? 

I am really sorry if this offended anyone but this just popped into my mind when I was writing the chapter for my PJO in high school story.It just struck me. Festus is really important and if any of you readers also write PJO fanfiction then leave a comment telling me the name and I swear I will read it and vote! Oh,and please,please,PLEASE put this rant into consideration.If you haven't mentioned Festus even after FIFTEEN chapters then please do.

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