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He pushed me into the chair.

"You ain't goin' nowhere girl", he said with the gun in his hand.

"Fine, you've got me"I spat. Now, what are you going to do to? I'd suggest you call my friends for ransom".

"Ha ha! No way. That is way to sensible for me. Instead, I'm going to tell you all my plans for world domination so that when you escape you can get me arrested! HAHAHA!!!"


Now let me just tell you: I LOVE a good suspense book. They're just amazing. But you see, finding really, REALLY good suspense book on Wattpad is just really hard. And 9 times out of 10, it's because of the example above.

So, let me get this straight. You, the kidnapper, are going to kidnap the main character and you've been planning this for a long time right? So, if you kidnap them then why, just WHY would you tell them all your secret plans?!? That's like telling your bully your most embarrassing moment in life or wearing socks and sandals together. 

You see, telling the victim how they got kidnapped is cool. In fact, it's much needed I feel. But telling them your plans is just plain stupid. It's one of the main reasons why The Incredibles was a good movie because that little villain guy ( Who looks like the cartoon version of Jake Paul, might I add) stops himself from telling them the plans and tells them to wait and watch. Now that there is logic.

So, please, if you plan on writing a suspense book, pull a cartoon-version-ofJake-Paul and you'll be golden!

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