Nvr wryt lyk dis

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My frndz ylled frm d back.

"Yo' bro! U cmin or not?",1 of em shoutd.

"Ugh gtg.Ttyl BB",I whisprd & cut d call. I den headed to where my frndz std.


Ugh.That is exactly what the topic means. Don't you just hate it when people write like that. Writing those few sentences was such a pain. I really don't understand why people write like that. A few of them even mention in their MASSIVE author's notes that it "allows other people to understand better" or that "they don't have time to proof read". Like come on! Even if you don't have time to proof read the entire thing I am pretty sure you get those red squiggly lines under the misspelled words on both the computer and your phone! And no,this does not help people understand better,it just makes it even more confusing! This has turned into one of my biggest pet peeves nowadays.

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