Bad-Boy and Fam

997 41 20

I didn't want to take her home.Then she'd realize the truth about me.She'll hate me as well.But I had to do it.I had to help her."C'mon,let's go to my place".

"WOAH",she said.She gaped up at my house. We rang the doorbell and my father opened the door.He looked at me and frowned."Why are you here,Ryan?You are a disgrace to your family,a murderer,a killer and above all,the",he said.

"I'm sorry dad.THE DEATH WASN'T MY FAULT. Cara here just needs some help that's why I came here",I said.Once my dad finally let us in Cara asked me,"what is he talking about?".

I sighed.This was a delicate subject but I guess I could trust her."You see,my mom died while giving birth to me.Father hates me ever since.It's my fault mom is dead"

"No.It isn't",she said. And BAM! Makeout session for the rest of the night.


I just hate that kind of stuff.I mean,I can stand the whole death-to-parent thing to a extent. And if you wanna show that the father thinks that it's the kid's fault that the mother died then you got a stick up yo booty! I mean,whose dad will be so dumb and phcycologically disturbed that they think that death at childbirth is the kid's fault. No parent would ever think that. And no parent would throw their kid out of their house.Sure,the parent might not like the kid at first but then he will learn his responsibilities.

In fact,the parent would most probably keep the kid with him as a memory of his wife. And he would always tell the kid that the death wasn't his fault and cherish him forever and ever and ever and ever. Honestly,I 'm not saying that it's disgusting or over used. I'm saying that it DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! If you want to write illogical stuff then please go to WONDERLAND!

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