Kissing In The Rain

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I ran outside.It was a bit cloudy,but still sunny.I wanted to run home."Cara STOP!",Ryan said. No,I wasn't going to stop.I was going to go home."Cara I love you!",he yelled.I stopped.

I turned around and found him right behind me. It suddenly started to rain cats and dogs.We both looked into each others eyes and before I knew it,we both were kissing and shoving our tongues down each other's throat.


Ugh. The most annoying thing on Wattpad. Let's start with the fact that this always happens when the girl wants to leave the guy and go back home.And then he just stops her by saying three words-THREE EFFING WORDS!- also showing that once again,girls on Wattpad are inferior to guys and that they can stop us with just three words.Let me tell you something writers,ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS. So if my boyfriend just said something like that and expected me to stop then I  would be long gone. 

But if he actually apologized and gave me like,some flowers and chocolate then I would forgive him.Yes,this makes it looks as if I am a spoiled brat but I am pretty sure that all the other girls would agree. Gals can I get an AMEN?

And they just start shoving their tongue down each others throat like gurl please.Just stahp.

And can I just EMPHASIZE real hard on how it's nice and sunny at the beginning of the scene and then it just starts POURING?.Like the writers won't even allow a light drizzle no no,it has to be POURING.I bet God is just up there in the story clearly mad that the writers be effin up all his schedules.Like he probably wanted it to be a nice,breezy day but then the writers be like,I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BAAAL! And just eff up all his things. 

Lol,is it just me or am I just extra funny in this rant? Might be all those memes.

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