"You're cute when you mad"

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 AARGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Please excuse my language but this is one of the most annoying things on Earth! It legit annoys the f*ckin crap outa me. This usually happens in high school/romance books and I really think that it needs to stop. Que the example!


She was going around the house,cursing,yelling and breaking my most expensive vases.She turned to me with tears in her eyes and asked me,"why?"her voice almost a whisper. 

"You're cute when you get mad",I said.

Suddenly,all the fire in her eyes died and her lips met mine.I pushed her against the wall and-


I just hate these kinds of things.I mean,imagine that you are in the girls place and you are angry with your man about something.He then just looks at you and says that you look cute when you get mad.Honestly, if I were that girl I would just kick him in the crotch and be like "I AM ASKING FOR AN EXPLANATION AND YOU FIND THIS A GREAT TIME TO HIT ON ME?!?" Okay I might have jumped a bit overboard but you guys get the idea.And how is that one statement ever going to calm a girl down?And how is her anger subdued so much that she actually kisses him? Like an emotional hug,I can understand but a kiss is too much. I really don't think that could ever happen in real life even with the most cheesiest people. Anger can't be subdued with just a statement and a kiss.There has to be something that the gut does that calms us down.

Also 99.99% of the time,the person getting angry is always the girl.Science has proved that guys actually get angry easily as compared to girls but on Wattpad it's as if the girl was just born to get angry and receive kisses from her boo after that.

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