Fake GF/BF

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We both weren't having a great time. I guess we both were feeling really akward."I'll go get us both a drink",he said and went towards the punch bowl. Just then another guy,more charming and better looking guy,but he wasn't my type."Hey Cara,can I buy you drink?",he said.He had a nice voice too.

"Oh.Um...I-I d-don't thin-I don't think that-",I stammered.I didn't know what to do.This guy was scaring me.

"Oh,hey dear.I got you your drink.And whose this here?",Ryan said.He handed me the punch and put his arm around me.

"I'm Ryder.Ryder Lawrence.And you are..?",the boy said.

"I'm Ryan.Cara's boyfriend",Ryan said.He seemed to emphasize on the word boyfriend.

"Okay then. I guess I'll catch you guys later then. Bye",he said and went of.


That,my friends,us a very good example of a fake bf or gf. See, Good-Girl and Bad-Boy are really awkward so Bad-Boy finds some excuse to get away from her. And then,just as Bad-Boy leaves another guy comes up to her and tries to make a move on her.DUN! DUN! DUN! And then all of a sudden Bad-Boy just appears out of no where and says that Good-Girl is his girlfriend and frickin saves the day. This idea is sooooooo overused that it drives me crazy.Also,hadn't Bad-Boy gone to get punch which is aaaaall the way at the end of the room or really far away? How was he actually able to get the punch that fast and save Good-Girl without getting out of breath? It is just nuts,to be honest.And why was the girl so scared of the guy? Like it wasn't as if she didn't know how to protect herself.Because ten times out of ten,the girl also knows martial arts and is a pro at comebacks. Again,like I said earlier,all Wattpad does is make girls look inferior and that they must ALWAYS rely on the male species to save them.And it's not that the feeling is optional,no no.The feeling is NECESSARY.And by necessary I mean that if this didn't happen,the story is no more worthy of Wattpad

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