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Have you ever read a story in which the main girl isn't that hot and all the boys make fun of her and she is bullied by the mean clique? Yeah,me too.But more then that I have read stories in which the girl will just transform from Voldermort to Emma Watson at prom!.Like how the heck is that even possible? No one just simply GROWS out a nose in a night! Okay,I might have taken the Harry Potter thing a bit too far.

Anyways,makeovers! Here's why they're cliche.

First off,getting a makeover all night long ,not getting any sleep and being able to waltz in at the party is impossible! Also, how is it that all of a sudden the guys think that she is the hottest girl on Earth? Like guys,this is the same girl who you made fun of when she tripped over her two left feet!

And not to mention that now,she's waltzing,more graceful than ever with her bae. And that is really suspicious!I mean,if some one came with a complete make over at a party in real life I would be convinced that either some spirits had taken over her,she had asked her fairy godmother for help or that her twin had come to the party and not her. 

Also WHERE DO I FIND MY OWN FAIRY GODMOTHER! (If you find one please let me know)

And obviously,her friends are surprised as well.Like girlfriend,if you've known this girl since childhood how are you so surprised to see her in fancy clothes? Like did you both not attend fancy parties together and secretly hog the cupcakes meant for the special guests?

Also,if you haven't done that then I don't know what kind of childhood you lived or are living.No offence,though.Just putting that out there.

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