Walls and People

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I was just in line at Starbucks when I accidently bumped into a wall-oh wait,it's a person! Mahn,this guys abs were hard. He turn around and smiled at me. "Hi I'm Ryan",she said.

"Hi I'm Cara",I said.We shook hands.


Walls and people. The most annoying shit on Wattpad ever! Like,the girl will just be walking and then OOPS!She bumps into a wall-no wait,it's a person! Like people,feel the skin on your hands or arms or any other place on your body that is well-built.great.Now feel the wall-and no,it cannot be carpeted-see,there is a TON of difference. Like even if he has abs that doesn't mean that he will be hard as rock.

Also,you were in LINE at Starbucks,or walking DOWN the hall,how the heck do you just suddenly bump into a wall?It isn't as if walls just grow out of the ground in front of you whenever they like.Knock some sense into your head! And even if you bumped into something then I'm sure that your character has big beautiful blue eyes with long curly eyelashes that she can see with! How did she not see the boy? And even if she didn't see him,again,they're bloody abs! They are not rock hard!

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