First Kisses.

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"You are soo funny", I said.

"I know", he said. We both suddenly locked our gazes and he leaned in and...

I'mma stop it right there. If you figured out the problem, then good. You're learning. See, the problem isn't that they are having their first kiss in such a cliche moment but it's the fact that they are ALWAYS drunk. Like, WHY? Just why?!? And if not that then the girl is sobering up after some rachid party where she almost got assaulted.

See, this is how it goes down:

1) Both the girl and the guy are at some beach party or resort or something and are having a lot of fun when they stop and the GIRL kisses the guy. Then the guy kisses back and the girl runs away and ignores the guy like the brat she is.

2) Both are at a party and they get separated. The girl then starts drinking and gets VERY drunk. Then she stumbles into a lone corridor where she is about to get assaulted but the guy saves her and takes her to his car or house or something where she sobers up. At that moment, deep talk happens and the guy kisses her.

It's always like this. I'm just really tired of it and just don't get the point ya know? If you want their first kiss to be cute then make it happen in some better way. Heck, I wouldn't know, I'm not a teen fic. expert but even I know the basics. Like, why can't it be some other reason?

There are a DOZEN other options you know. 

Have them kiss in a really quiet place like the beach or something, once both the girl and guy are clear about their feelings for each other. Or, have them kiss at their first date which obviously, was set up by their friends since they thought it was about time. Those would be cute too, I guess. Again, I don't write teen fic. so I wouldn't know, so those are all that I can think of.

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