Author's Notes

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Okay, so I get that author's notes are very important but some of them are completely pointless and/or annoying! And the authors notes are so huge like, what the heck are you writing about? And don't you just hate it when there's a specific text written in a different language and you have to scroll aallll the way to the bottom of the massive chapter for the translation and then scroll back up and get confused about which line you were reading? And some times translations aren't even labelled or marked properly! And on top of it all the translations are completely wrong! 


The class was doing a greek play and me and Cara were the lead characters.

"Έτσι, Jade. Πώς το κάνετε; Φαίνεται πολύ όμορφη από το δρόμο!",I said,adjusting my glasses because I am a "Nerd".

Cara blushed and said,"Ω, είμαι καλά σήμερα. Σας ευχαριστώ που μου συμπληρώσατε."

Author's note: So I had blah blah blah for breakfast and let me rant on for another page blah dbfdiheruenh tnheriuvheriuvn rivhenherigtkvbdfhvbgdfuhvbeubveiv fgfghfrbcbhdhgveybuygfeufgbeufbeugbevrbrefyufhrgyfreruvhjbugtrewiuasjokfvnnnnnnnnnnnqewirucfndsjkriu348qwiaskjgubvfdugt54ewubgfvdgrtrhueiivn nb    bghyu438wioekv?"



erdf;.8y696mbn c863u94rthgneb bjgibhjtugobnjobg iheriuheriugherigheriuhgiurhgiergheriughbfjofvnkfjnbkfjvnkfjbnk nbgkjnlnbdfjlbnkdfb ggfkjvkdfjbnfkjb jdfbvdfkjbvkjdfbvjdfkbvdfkjbvjfdf


Translation: first line-"Oh I'm fine today.Thank you for complementing me.You look very ridiculous yourself".

second line-"so Jade,how do you do?You look very horrible in that dress by the way.


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