Chapter Seven

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(Victoria's POV)

I woke up and saw Riley and Ricky sleeping in the couch snuggling.

"Aw!" I said and took a picture.

I opened Instagram and saw that I gained 100k followers!

I posted the picture and tagged them in it and immediately got likes.

I logged out so I wouldn't be disturbed.

I walked into the kitchen and saw JC and ugly butt Bella. Bella was sitting on the counter and JC was feeding her whipped cream and putting some on her nose.

I turned around and walked out. That made me lose my appetite.

"Hey Victoria! Why did you leave?" JC said as I say down on the couch.

"Because I didn't need you and Ugly butt to ruin my appetite. But you guys already did. And can u pleaseee get butt face out of the kitchen so I can enjoy my food without throwing up?" I said.

"You guys must really hate her.." He said and walked to the kitchen.

"come on Bella let's go watch tv." I heard JC say and walked into the living room with Bella attached to his back.

"Ew.." I said and rolled my eyes.

Bella saw me and smirked.

I walked pass them and as I did Bella said "Ow! Why the heck did you pull my hair?!"

"What?" I ask confused.

"Victoria! Why did you pull her hair? Like I know that you don't like her but that doesn't mean you have to pull her hair! Say sorry now!" JC said.

"Sorry!" I spat in her face and walked into the kitchen.

I walked in and saw Connor on one of the stools looking at his phone.

"Hey..." I say with a bored expression.

"Hi. I heard about what happened." He said and put his phone away.

"Do you believe her?" I asked and grabbed the pancake mix and chocolate chips out.

"Heck no! She played the same tricks on JC with us!" He said with anger and sass in his voice.

"Ok at least that I know I have someone on my side. Do you want any pancakes?" I ask and pour the mixture.

"Yes please. I'll got ask the others if they want any." He says and walks away.

He comes back with Riley and Ricky.. They were holding hands aww!

Then Kailee and Sam. Then Kian and JC and ugly butt.

"Why did you ask JC and her?" I whisper yelled into Connor's ear."

"We'll JC asked what you were making and I told him pancakes and then they just followed me in here!" He whisper yelled back.

"Let's do something to her pancakes!" I said and grabbed the bottle of cinnamon.

I make 12 regular pancakes and 12 chocolate chip pancakes. But I didn't serve them yet.

So I put half the bottle of cinnamon in her batch.

I tried her batter. It was so strong! I needed water.

I served the pancakes with syrup and whipped cream, thank god we had 2 bottles so we didn't have to use the one that JC used.

I set down all the plates. Everyone said thank you except for Bella.

"Your welcome!" I said to her and sat down.

I watched her as she poured a little bit of syrup and took her first bite.

Her face was priceless! And even better was that when I asked everyone if they needed something to drink she was the only one that said no!

She took JC's milk and Riley's milk and literally poured it on her face.

Her cake face makeup was running and everyone was laughing except for Bella.

JC had to stiffen a laugh! It was soo funny!

"What the hell were in my pancakes you little dirt bag?!" She said as she pointed to me.

"Cinnamon. JC said that you liked cinnamon. Right JC?" I said as I looked at him.

"Um.. We'll I kinda did mention that you like cinnamon but not that much!" He said and took her to the bathroom to help her clean up.

We all fell on the floor laughing!

"Ok! Who ever did that I applaud you!" Ricky said as he lifted himself back on the chair.

"It was our idea!" Connor said as he pointed to us and continued to laugh.

After everyone helped pick up the table we went and sat down on the couch.

JC and Bella came down in one of Riley's shirts.. Uh-oh sh!ts about ready to go down!

"Why the heck does that dirt bag have my shirt on?!?" Riley said furiously.

"Because I let her borrow it." JC said and shrugged

"Listen here you ugly dirt ball.." Riley said as she stepped towards Bella "that's MY shirt and this is MY brothers house and this is MY friends so I suggest that you either give me back my shirt or your out!" Riley said through gridded teeth.

"Ok here." Bella said and threw Riley's shirt on the floor. She was just in her shorts and her bra.

"Kailee, go upstairs and get this dirtbag a different shirt that I don't like." Riley said and Kailee ran upstairs because when Riley gets mad, she doesn't get mad she gets pissed!

Kailee came down with a long sleeve tan shirt that had a heart on it.

"That's better." Riley said and walked away.

A/N ok so I know that this is a really short chapter. But I would like to say that we have 40 reads!!! Ohmigawd! Ok so I know that 49 reads isn't a lot but it is when you just started this story not even a month ago! So I would just like to say thank you!

~Bella xx

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