Chapter Seventeen

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(Delilah's POV)

I was in Riley's room when she got this great idea to prank JC. We already talked to everyone so they were in it to. Riley went to JC's room. She knocked and we heard a faint 'come in'. We walked in and saw JC on his bed.

"Hey JC." Riley said holding a walkie-talkie behind her back.

"Uh hey Riley. Hey Delilah!" He said Turing off his phone.

"Wanna do something?" Riley asked smirking.

"Sure why not?" JC said getting up.

"Ok you get some warm clothes on while we wait downstairs." Riley said closing the door then started talking through the walkie-talkie "Riley to Connor. Over." I said then let go of the button.

"Connor to Riley we are in out places over." We heard Connor say.

"Ok we'll be there in 3. Riley out." She said then turned the device off.

We went downstairs and ran outside. We got in our places and then it was Riley's que. She screamed on the top of her lungs "Help!"

We heard JC run down the stairs and yell "Riley! Delilah! Where are you?"

This time I screamed "JC!!" Then Riley and I screamed in unison.

"Oh lord! They have Riley and Delilah!" He screamed coming outside.

Then Riley walkie-talkied Connor and told him to jump out of the bushes.

Connor jumped out with a mask on when JC came net the bushes. Then we all jumped out and tackled him to the ground then threw him into the freezing cold pool.

"Oh my lord!!! I thought you guys were in trouble! Don't you EVER scare me like that AGAIN!" He said angrily.

"Ok" Kailee said throwing him a towel then walked inside. We all followed and sat down and watched Despicable Me 2. We heard shuffling then we felt a hand on our shoulders, we turned around and screamed.

"Ahhhh!!!" Kailee, Tori, Riley and I screamed in unison.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh just wanted to get you back." He said smirking. I blushed and turned back to the movie. I looked at the time and saw that it was 11. My parents weren't home yet they had a night shift. I texted my sister Olivia.

O=Olivia D=Delilah

D: hey sis is mom n dad home yet?

O: no they called n said they will come home around 2am tht suckss!

D: ok I might come home in a lil byee Livi

O: peaceee✌️

I turned off my phone and stayed until the movie was over. I left at about 12. I heard shuffling behind me and saw someone following me.

"Hi Delilah" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Oh hey JC. What are you doing out at 12am following me?" I asks raising an eyebrow.

"Oh we'll I kinda wanted to talk to you about something." He said fidgeting.

"Ok! What about?" I said smiling.

"I uh just wanted to say that you are really cool to hang out with, and uh would you like to go to the park and have a picnic tomorrow?" He said butting his lip.

I blushed and finally said "of course I would love to!" I jumped up and have him a bear hug. I caught him off guard and he just stood there for a second they finally wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Your a amazing, beautiful, talented girl and any boy would be lucky to have you." He said pecking my cheek. We locked our fingers together and he walked me down to my house.


Hey! So I'm sorry that this chapter was short but, I would just like to say thank you to everyone that chose to read this fanfic and we have 490 reads!!! I love you all for your support! ~bella

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