Chapter Thirty

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(JC's POV)

I went to the local pet store and bought 7 snakes. I waited until the girls went to bed, which was around 11:30.

Surprisingly the boys have been supportive for doing this prank. Normally Ricky would be Mr. Grown-Up and be totally against it but hey, it's just a little prank.

I looked into the girls room and they all were sound asleep. I slowly walked in with Ricky, Dom and Kian behind me with 2 snakes each.

I put them in their bed one by one and quietly walked out. Now all I do I wait for them to notice.
I heard someone scream. I looked at the clock and saw that It was 1am.
I ran into the girls room and saw Tori and Kailee standing over the bed looking at something.

I ran towards them and saw Riley with blood coming out of her arm.

"JC! How did snakes get in our bed?!" Kailee screamed.

"Um... It was a prank?" I said more like a question then an answer.


I picked Riley up bridal style and ran to the car. Everyone rushed outside behind me and hopped in the car. It was a 2 minute drive to the ER.

I rushed inside, "HELP! I HAVE SOMEONE WHO GOT BIT BY A SNAKE!" I yelled.
I saw 3 nurses run toward me. One grabbed a gurney and put Riley on it.
It has been 2 hours and they still won't let us see Riley. I have asked and asked to see her but they won't let me. I'm worried.

I start to fall asleep when a nurse came out. "Family members of Riley Caylen?" She looked around the room.
We all stood up. "I'm her brother." I walked towards the nurse.

"Ok well she is fine but if you guys didn't get here sooner, let's just say it wouldn't be good." I nodded at her.

"So when are we allowed to see her? Is she awake?" I turned and looked at the others.

"You can see her now. But she is gunna be a little drowsy. So just be ware." She smiled and walked us to the room Riley was in.

She looked bad. That's all I could say. "We have her on some antibiotics that should help the pain of the bite go away." The nurse smiled and left.

"Hi Ry." I smiled down at her.
She looked up at me. "Hi." She whispered.

"So how do you feel?" Kailee asked.
"I feel fine just tired. What happened?" She looked at us concerned.

"Well, your smart ass brother and his dumb ass friends put snakes in our bed thinking that nothing would happen. Just a little prank. But oh no!"
Kailee turned and looked at me and continued, "Ever since he moved from Texas to LA he forgot all about us. He used to know everything that we are allergic to and scared up. But now since he's a big shot on the internet he thinks that family isn't important." She turned and looked at me. "JC! YOU WERE THE VERY FIRST ONE THAT FOUND OUT ABOUT RILEY BEING ALLERGIC SPIDERS! YOU SHOULD STILL KNOW THIS STUFF!" She was almost in tears.

"I know I know. I was dumb ok? I'm sorry!" I looked at Riley then Kailee then Tori. They looked they wanted to punch me. I sat down next to Riley and out my head in my hands. I had to think about everything that just happened.
It was 3am and Riley was finally released. I drove everyone home and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

(Tori's POV)

As soon as we got home Kailee and I helped Riley up the stairs and into our room. JC had already cleared all of the snakes out of the bed so we were fine.

"I can't stay here." Riley said out of the blue. "I'm sorry I just can't thinking about what they just did to us. Tomorrow I'm breaking up with Ricky because he went along with this prank! And I need to leave as soon as possible." Riley fell back on the bed and groaned.

"I know. I know. We will leave tomorrow when all the boys go to bed. But for now, let us go to sleep." Kailee said while climbing in bed and turning off the lights.
I woke up at 9 and hopped in the shower. I needed to think about what was gunna happen tonight. I will try and ignore the boys until tonight. I will only talk to the girls.

I got out of the shower and saw Kailee on the bed on her phone. She looked in concentration. "Um Kailee. Are you ok?" She looked up at me. "Ya just thinking." She looked back down at her phone.

I put on jeans and a tank top with a cardigan over it. I put on some mascara and eyeliner, the jogged downstairs.

I saw JC sitting on the couch watching tv. He turned and looked at me. I looked away and walked into the kitchen.

"Tori! Wait, Listen I'm so sorry about everything and how I acted towards you guys at the hospital. I know I shouldn't have done that but I'm sorry." He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"No JC. What's done is done. I'm not going to talk to you anymore. I just ugh!" I pulled my hair and ran outside.

The rest of the day went by as a blur. By the time I came out of the daze, it was already 10.
Kailee and Riley were already packed and ready. All I needed to do was get somethings from the bathroom and I was done.

"Ok, I can't believe that we're doing this. Are you guys ready?" Riley looked nervous. She played with her hands and bit her lip.
"Oh, I broke up with Ricky. He totally understood where I was coming from and he said he would to the same."

Kailee walked in. "I pulled the car up out front so whenever we're ready we can leave.

I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. JC walked in. "Goodnight. Love you guys." He said looking sad.
"Night." We all said in sync. I half smiled at him and he walked out.

(Riley's POV)

It was 12am and all the boys were asleep. I walked into JC's room and took a good look at him. I will miss him a lot. I kissed his forehead and walked out.

I jogged downstairs and let my house key on the counter with a note to all the boys.

It read: " dear boys, I'm sorry but we just couldn't stay here any longer. So many bad things have already happened and we just think that it's time for us to leave. We had a lovely time and enjoyed your guys company. Hopefully we will see each other again. Love, Riley, Kailee, & Victoria ♡"

I walked outside and closed the front door. I climbed into the bad seat of our Mini and took one good last look at the house that my older brother lived in. I will miss him.

We sped off and the house slowly disappeared behind us.

End of JC's Little sisters


So this is the end of book one! I am so proud of this book and just thank you for all the support. It means a lot.

I will be writing a sequel to this book. It will just have the sisters point of views but also a couple of JC's POVs.

I will tell you guys what the sequel is called when my friends and I think of a name. While we are thinking about that I will start writing charters for the book immediately!

But for now this is going to be the last chapter to this book.
For now, ~bella♡

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