Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(Victoria's POV)

We got home around 4am after everything. I was sitting on the couch checking through Instagram right now. I heard the doorbell right and I ran to the door. I opened it and saw Connor.

"OMG Connor!" I yelled and ran into his arms. He engulfed me and pulled me off my feet.

"Hi Tori! I missed you so much, after hearing that you got home safely I just had to come over and say hi!" He said as he set me back down on my feet.

"Oh please come in." I said and opened the door so he could enter. I walked into the kitchen and saw Kian on his phone.

"Hey Kian. What are you doing?" I asked. He looked up from his phone and smiled when he saw Connor next to me.

"Hey buddy!" Kian said as they hugged. I giggled.

"Hi! Just came to see the girls and say hi." He said with his award winning smile. He turned and looked at me still smiling.

"So like I said, what are you doing Kian?" He looked at me and said, "just texting a friend, is it ok if someone comes over?" He asked.

"Ya i don't care." I as I dragged Connor into my room. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"I want to spend all day with you." He said as he leaned in.

(Kian's POV)

I was texting Citlali about coming over. I didn't want to say that a girl was coming over after what happened with Bella and JC.

I heard a light knock on my door and I opened it to see her smiling up at me.

"Hi Kian." She said playing with her fingers.

"Hi. How are you?" I asked kinda nervous.

"Good just feeling lazy." She smiled and I laughed.

"Please come in."I walked in after her and closed the door. I walked into the living room and saw that the tv was on.

"So, whatcha wanna do?" She asked sitting down next to me.

"I wanna watch a movie." I said grabbing the remote and putting on Netflix.

"Can we watch Avengers?" She said smiling at me.

I laughed. "Sure I love that movie!" I said as I clicked on the movie.


I was about 11pm and we just finished the first season on Orange is the New Black, I'm kinda addicted now.

I turned and saw Citlali's eyes starting to droop. I smiled and grabbed her phone to text her parents.

I clicked the icon mom and said, 'hey I'm gunna spend the night at a friend house. See you tmrw." I clicked send and felt the phone buzz a minute later 'ok'.

I carried her bridal style up to my room and laid her down on my bed. I crawled in next to her and a fell asleep.

(JC's POV)

I have been spending a lot of time with Delilah. Yesterday we went go kart racing and had lunch.

Today we're just gunna spend the day watching movies. She was coming over in an hour and I wanted to ask her a very important question, and was nervous about what she would say.


I heard the doorbells ring an ran straight to the door. I opened it and saw a beautiful girl standing in front of me. I smiled and said, "hey Delilah! Please come in." I said and closed the door behind her.

I sat on the couch and my palms started to sweat. "Um, I um would like to um ask you a question." I was nervous and my heart was racing, as could sense it and grabbed my hands in comfort.

"Um, would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked smiling at her.

"OMG JC! Are you serious? I would love to!" She said standing up and jumping in my arms.

"Oh Im so glad you said yes! I was super nervous if you couldn't tell." I said and grabbed her hand. We walked upstairs and played board games all for the rest of the day.

(Kailee's POV)

I slammed the front door and ran upstairs into my room as fast as I could. I cried into my pillow and thought about what just happened.


I got a call from one of my childhood friends bout meeting up at the mall. I took this offer of course and drove straight over to her house. We walked to the mall because it was only 5 minutes away.

It was 11am and we wanted to go shopping before we had lunch.

The first store was Sephora, we both needed a refill on makeup stuff.

Next was Lush, we both got face masks and lip scrubs. I got mint and she got bubblegum lip scrubs.

It was about 12:30 and I was hungry, so we went to the food court and got Panda Express.

While I sat down with my food and Izzy was in line for McDonalds I saw a familiar head of hair. Sam.

I smiled and started to get out of my seat until I saw him wrap his arm around another girl.

I waited a second to see what he was gunna do. Then he kissed her!

I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran over to Sam and he turned around and smiled.

"Hey Kailee! How are you?" He said leaving in to kiss me. I pushed him and he looked at me shocked. "What was that for?" He asked furring his eyebrows.

"For cheating on me!" I yelled and I saw a couple of people stare. I didn't care I was furious. "Who was that?" I asked.

"Oh, uh that was no one." He said scratching the back of his neck. He always did that when he was nervous.

"Uh-hu, ok you want me to believe that?" I asks with a eyebrow raised. "You know what? We're done! I can't even stand looking at you!" I yelled. Oh wait till I tell JC about this he will be furious!

I ran over to izzy and said I had to leave it was an emergency, she believed me and I ran all the way to her house.

I got in the car and cried for 10 minutes and when I was stable enough to drive, I sped home and ran inside. And that's how I'm here.

*flashback over*

I woke up to a light knock on the door. "Kailee? Are you ok?" I hear Riley's soft voice say outside the door.

I wiped my tears and said "yeah I'm fine. Come in." I sat up and looked at her.

"Awe, what happened?" She asked wrapping her arms around me.

" I-I saw S-Sam kiss another g-girl" I said hiccuping.

"That little bitch!" She yelled. I loathed at her sudden outburst. "Are you gunna tell JC?" She asked looking at me.

"No, if I did he will be pissed." I said laying back down.

Riley lightly laughed and laid next to me. I stared to drift off and I was out.


Hiya! I know I haven't been updating a lot but I hope this long chapter was good😊 ~bella

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