Chapter Twenty-Three

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(Kian's POV)

Well, it's official I'm single and so is Andrea. We had a big fight over twitter and just we couldn't take it anymore so we broke up, but were still "goods friend" as she said last night.

I have just been editing videos and listening to Ed Sheeran. I stopped for a second and looked out the window and saw new people moving in the house next door.

I saw a girl around 19 years old grabbing boxes and walking inside. She had light brown hair with blonde tips and looked around 5'6. Short.

I watched for about 3 minutes then looked at my phone to see the time. 12:30. Time for lunch.

I walked downstairs and saw Ricky and Riley eating pasta.

"Mm, that looks good anymore left?" I said reaching for the fridge handle.

"Ya top shelf." Riley said with a mouth full.


It was 11pm and I was exhausted from filming and editing all day. I flopped in bed and fell asleep.

(Riley's POV)

I was in Ricky's bed waiting for him to finish his shower when I heard something being thrown at the window. Then I heard it again. *Clink*

And me being the curious one out of the family I cautiously got our of bed and look out the window.

I saw a black shadow. I cracked the window open slightly and heard then saying something.

I quickly ran downstairs into Victoria's room and dragged her downstairs with me.

"What are you doing this for?" She asked annoyed. "Someone's outside and I wanted you to come with me to see who it was." I said peering out the door peephole. I saw the same black shadow standing In the same place. I grabbed an umbrella that was laying against the front window and slowly cracked open the door and cautiously walked outside with Tori behind me.

"Hey, what are you doing at 11pm throwing rocks at my window!?" I yelled. The shadow turned and look at me. All I saw was it's eyes, they glowed like a cats.

"Who are you?" I said holding on tight to the umbrella. "What are you doing?"

"I'm here to get my girl back! Riley, I can do much better than that big nosed freak you call a boyfriend!" It yelled.

I immediately recognized the voice it was my psycho ex-boyfriend. He was always so clingy and needed my full attention all on him and only him.

I dumped him after seeing him kissing my best friend. We'll my ex-best friend.

Her name was Skyler. We were best friends since kindergarten and we stayed besties until senior year. That was prom night when I saw her kissing Derek.

"So what are you gunna do? Kidnap us?" I said sarcastically.

"Yes actually." He said while he smirked.

I saw him walk closer to us and then, everything went black.

(Ricky's POV)

I walked out of the bathroom and saw that Riley wasn't in bed. I walked into Kailee's room and asked her is she saw Riley. "Nope."

Then I walked into JC's room. "Nope."

Then Tori's, I didn't Tori in there either. Riley must be with Tori, I walked downstairs and saw that the front door was cracked open.

I peeked out and saw a shadow picking up something in our front yard and put it in their car, and it looked like a body. And then he put another one of the body shaped things in the car and he turned and looked straight at me and then he ran into his car.

I ran outside and yelled "hey! What are you doing? It's 12am and your picking up something this early!?" I ran up behind his truck and he drove off before I could get in the back.

But I got one thing that is very important, the licenses plate number.


A/N HI! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that I haven't updated I have had school work and just I don't know what to write! I want to have a sequel to this book but idk if I can finish it. I kinda wanna finish this book on Chapter 28 and then start the sequel but idk it's just an idea! If you have any ideas please leave them in the comments because that would help me tons and I just wanted you guys to know that I love you for all your support! We have 2.5k views and I am just soo shocked that I have actually succeeded at something that I'm terrible at and that people actually enjoy it! I just want to thank you guys again for all the love. ~bella

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