Chapter Thirteen

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(Kailee's POV)

After the guys threw us in the freezing pool, we got out and made popcorn and watched The Conjuring.

It wasn't that scary for me because I love scary movies. Every time something happened they would jump and scream.

"Ahhhh!!!!!" Connor and Sam said in unison.

"STOP SCREAMING!! It's a movie for pete sake!" I said loud and clear. "Now I'm going to make some popcorn. Who wants some?" Everybody raised their hand.

"Ok then Sam come help me!" I said and dragged him from his seat.

"Asdfghjkl" he made weird sounds.

We walked into the kitchen and I grabbed the bowls while he grabbed the popcorn.

"How many bags do we need?" He asked.

"About 6 I think." I said and grabbed 6 bowls.

We finished making the popcorn and thought about playing a little trick on whoever gets the red bowl. We put half the bottle of salt and a teaspoon so hot sauce. But I was a special hot sauce, it tastes normal when you first put it in your mouth then about 2 minutes later the spiciness kicks in!

"C'mon let's go." I said and grabbed 3 bowls.

"Ok! Take whatever bowl you want!" I said and smirked as Connor grabbed the red bowl.

"Enjoy!" Sam and I said unison.

We watched as Connor took a big handful of popcorn and stuck it in his mouth.

"Mmm! This is really good! What did you put in it?" Connor said stuffing another handful in his mouth.

He finished his bowl in 2 minutes! Then he started getting the spiciness taste.

"Why is my mouth on fire?" He said drinking some water. He started panting and drinking everyone's water.

"MY MOUTH IS ON FIREEE!!!" He said screaming and running into the kitchen.

We ran after him and saw him drinking the milk carton.

"hey! That's the only milk we have!" JC said grabbing the carton from his mouth.

Sam and I had to stiffen our laughs. Connor just kept running around and finally we cracked.

"AAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" Sam and I fell to the floor laughing.

This was to funny!

(Riley's POV)

We just stayed in the hotel all day. We ordered room service twice and watched movies all day. We finally fell asleep at 11.

I woke up to Ricky falling on the floor.

"What the heck did you do?" I asked groggily.

"I fell trying to grab the controller on the floor." He said and I laughed.

I checked the clock and saw it was 7.

I got dressed in high-waisted bleached shorts and a muscle tee. I threw on my black Vans and waited for Ricky to come out of the bathroom.

"You ready to go home?" I asked grabbing my phone.

"Ya we should get packed and go." He said and grabbed our suitcases.

I packed all my dirty cloths and my shoes. I grabbed the car keys and went to the lobby.

I unlocked the car and threw my bag in. I went back upstairs and helped Ricky. We left the hotel at 8 and got home at 9.

JC's Younger SistersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang