Chapter Twenty-Six

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(Riley's POV)

I need to get away from here. I can't stand being in this room for any longer. He hasn't let us out at all. He only feeds us once a day. And if we need to use the bathroom, well lets just say it's not pretty.

I always pray before I go to bed that some little miracle will happen and he will be in jail and we will be safe at home.

I have been counting the days to see how long we have been here for, it's day 24. Yesterday he said that we are leaving for Florida in 15days. I kinda freaked.

Victoria hasn't really worried, she's the one that has hope that Kailee and the boys will come and find us.

I heard a loud bang coming from upstairs. I shook Kailee to try and wake her up. "Kailee, wake up I heard a loud bang coming from upstairs." I whisper yelled.

"What?" She said sleepily. She reached up and grabbed a string. A light flickered on and I saw her face clearly.

"I said I heard a kid bang coming from upstairs." I panicked.

"It's ok probably just Derek trying to get in after he locked himself out." She said with her eyes half open half closed.

"Ok I believe you." I said. "Goodnight." I said and pulled up the blankets. "Night."

(Ricky's POV)

It's has been about a month after the girls disappeared. We couldn't find them anywhere. We even had the police helping us but they couldn't track them down either.

We still a aren't giving up. We will look until we can't anymore.

I heard the phone ring, I jumped out of bed and ran to the nearest phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi is this Kian, Ricky, or JC?" I heard a male voice say on the other line.

"Yes this is Ricky. How may I help you?" I said chewing on my lip.

"Hi this is officer Parker, I just wanted to let you guys know that we have sighted the getaway vehicle at a local club, and we had been notified immediately and we stuck a tracker on his truck, we have his location as of right now." I was in shock.

"Oh um thank you, we will be down at your station as soon as possible!" I said and hung up.

I quickly ran upstairs. "KIAN! WAKE UP!" I jumped on his bed and he quickly woke up. "What?"

"I know where the girls are!" I yelled and ran out of the room before he could question me.

I ran into JC's room and found him and Kailee sleeping together.

"JC! KAILEE! WAKE UP!" I yelled and shook the bed.

"What?!" JC yelled.

"I know where the girls are, we just have to go to the police station and they will help us get them back!" I yelled. "Now hurry and get dressed!"


We were all dressed and out the door in 5 mins. I hopped into the drivers seat and turned on the car. I sped down to the police station and parked. We ran through the doors and asked for Officer Parker.

"He'll be right out." The lady at the desk said.

We waited for a minute and then he finally came out.

"Hi guys!" He said shaking our hands. "How are you?"

"We're good just stressed and missing some people." Kailee said holding on to Kian this time.

"I get it. If I lost someone I would be stressed." He said leading us to a back room. "So if you guys want to get them back we will have to make a plan to sneak into his house."

We sat down and discussed what our plan was for the next 4 hours.


Hii! I'm sorry that this chapter is short. the next chapter is like the eventful one and there will be tons of surprises that you will not expect! Hope you have enjoyed so far! ~bella

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