Chapter Nineteen

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(Victoria's POV)

Once we came home from Knott's I took a shower and went straight to bed. I came in a saw, Connor in my bed? What?
"Connor? What are you doing in here?" I asked giggling.
"Hmf." He said groaning and pulling the pillow tighter over his head.
"You know what? I'm so tired that I'm just gunna go to sleep." I said climbing in bed with him.
I pulled up the covers and he threw his hand over my waist. I soon fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up to Connor's hand slapping my face. I sat up at took a good look at his sleeping face. He looked so cute with his mouth slightly open and his light snors. I snapped at quick pic and posted it. 'He looks so peaceful.' I put as the caption.
I slowly got out of bed and brushed me teeth and put my hair up. I walked downstairs and saw Kian asleep on the couch. "Kian. Wake up. Kian." I shook him lightly. He stirred and then slapped me. "Kian!" I said pushing him off the couch.
He fell of the floor with a 'oof' and then glared at me. "What was that for?" He said getting up.
"You were hogging up the couch." I said shrugging.
"Really? That's why? You could have just sat over there." He said pointing to the recliner.
"I didn't want to. The couch is comfier." I said walking to the tv and grabbing the remote. "Can I watch Mean Girls?"
"No! I was here first." He said grabbing the remote.
"You weren't watching tv tho." I said grabbing back the remote. "So can I?"
"Ok thanks!" I said sitting down.
He stood in front of the tv and crossed his arms. "What the fudge are you doing?" I said raising and eyebrow.
"I want to watch Mean Girls with you." He said sitting down and crossing his arms stubbornly.
"Whatever." I said turning up the volume.
After about 15 minutes Connor came running down the stairs. We turned and looked at him.
"What I'm hungry." He said shrugging and walking into the kitchen.
"Here I'll go make us some breakfast while you guys watch tv." I said getting up. I walked into the kitchen and told Connor to go watch tv.
I got the ingredients to make chocolate chip pancakes. I mixed all the batter together and poured it in the hot pan. I turned it over when it was a nice golden-brown. I made 8 pancakes; 3 for Connor, 3 for Kian, and 2 for me.
I took the plates and placed them on the table in front of the tv. The boys loved them and so did I. "These are deliciousness! Why haven't you cooked more often?" Connor said with a mouthful.
"I never have time, everyone always has cereal or we go out to eat." I say giggling. "What do you guys wanna do today?"
"We could record? Or just lay around the pool." Kian said licking his plate clean.
"What would we do if you recorded?"
"Um, we could do a 7 second challenge." Kian said shrugging.
"Ok! That sounds fun. What time will we record?" I asked.
"We'll lets see, it's 10 so at about 11." Kian said getting up and just leaving his plate there.
"Really Kian? Why don't you take your plate?" I asked handing him his plate.
"Sorry that I'm lazy."
"So do you wanna do the seven seconds challenge with us?" I asked turning to Connor.
"Sure I have nothing better to do today." He said tapping my nose softly.
I giggled. We heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Riley on JC's back hitting him in the head.
"Um... Riley what are you doing to JC?" Connor asked laughing.
"He woke me up! It's barely even 10! You know that I'm not a morning person!" She yelled.
"This is why I love you sis." I said jumping on Connor.
"Hey! What are you doing?" He asked wobbling.
"We are gunna have a chicken fight. Now GO!!!" I yelled pointing to Riley and JC.
"Someone's going to get hurt." I heard Trevor yell from upstairs.

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