Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(Citlali's POV)

Yesterday Kian took me to the fair and we had tons of fun hanging out. I have started to develop a small crush on him and I think he could tell.

I invite him over tonight so he could meet my parents and have dinner with us.

I was in my bathroom right now getting ready. I put on a knee length cream colored dress and some light makeup. I put my hair up in a messy but still cute bun and walked downstairs barefoot.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum cooking. I smiled, "hey mum! What are you making?" I looked over her shoulder and saw pasta with tomato sauce. "Mmmm!" I walked over to the oven and saw garlic bread on the top shelf.

It was 5:45 and Kian was coming over at 6. I went onto Instagram and and liked some pictures, then I went on Twitter.

I was reading something when the doorbell rang and I ran for The door. I opened it, "hi! Please come in!" I said smiling as closing the door behind him.

He had smiled and hugged me, "Hey, how are you?" He asked looked at me up and down. "I'm good just nervous about what my parents will think about you." I played with my fingers and walked into the kitchen to find my parents already sitting down.

"Hello Mrs. And Mr. Martinez." Kian said hugging my mom and shaking my dads hand. "Lovely to meet you both." We sat down and dug in.


We were all laughing about something my dad said when all of a sudden our power went out.

I grabbed onto Kian and screamed. "Shh. It's okay! We're gunna be fine." Kian said pulling me into his lap.

I closed my eyes tight and held into him for dear life. I have no clue why but this house gave off a weird vibe to me.

"Can we go over to your house while my dad figures this out?" I ask looking up at him. "Sure, anything to make you feel better." He said smiling.

I got off his lap, "Mum, where are you?" I asked. "Still right next to you." I heard her voice.

"Ok grab my hand, we're gunna go to Kian's house." I said and felt her soft cold hand on mine.

Kian opened the front door and led us out. "I wonder why the power went out." My Mum said walking beside me.

"Yeah me too." I said as we walked into Kian's house. His electricity was still on.

I was tired and needed some sleep. I asked Kian if If I could lay on his bed, I walked upstairs and immediately dozed off.


I started to doze off when Riley walked in. "Hey." She said smiling. "Is it ok if I sleep with you? I cant fall asleep." She look really tired and I nodded my head. "Thank you." She crawled in next to me and we both fell asleep together.


I only have a week left with my sisters until Riley goes to collage, Kailee finishes her last year of high school, and Tori leaves for Florida to become a vet.

I didn't want my sisters to leave! It felt like only a week ago they got here.

I walked upstairs to go talk one of them. I picked Kailee first. I walked over to the door and heard talking.

"But why would you even do that to me? Knowing that you're best friends with my brother!" I heard Kailee scream.

"I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong but I still love you! I need you in my life!" I heard a male voice say. Sam.

"But i saw you kiss her! I know that you loved her more then me when you stopped texting me, calling me, or even just even stopping by to say Hi!" Kailee yelled.

"You know what? I'm done here! Bye!" I heard him get up and I ran into Ricky's room to avoid getting caught.

I walked into Kailee's room and saw her crying. "Hey are you ok?" I sat next to her.

She looked startled. "Oh um ya, why wouldn't I be?" She fake smiled at me.

"Are you sure? Cause I just heard everything you said." I looked at her.

"You were eavesdropping on us?" She whispered. I looked down at her, "yes I was. Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could have helped!" I almost yelled at her.

She flinched and looked scared, "I'm sorry I was planning on but I never got to it because I thought you didn't need to know." She looked at her hands and bit her lip.

"I can't believe you don't trust me!" My voice cracked. "I can't believe you would lie to me!" I stood up and walked out.

I just needed to go to sleep and forget about this.
The girls went out for dinner tonight by them selfs and I have a great prank idea. I gathered Kian, Ricky, Dom, and another neighbor that liked Tori together and told the about it.
"Ok so you know how the girls are all scared of snakes? We'll I was thinking that we could pull a little prank and put snakes in their bed." I smirked and everyone agreed but Ricky.
"We can't do that! What happens if one of them gets bit?" He frowned.
"Their gunna be fine! I promise you and it's only a little harmless prank nothing can happen!" I grabbed my laptop and looked for the nearest pet shop that sold snakes. This was gunna be fun...

Today one of my friends asked if they could have a copy of my book I am writing... I had to explain to them that it was on my phone. -__-

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