Chapter Twelve

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(Ricky's POV)

Riley took her hand out of mine. I looked over and saw her looking at her phone with a shocked face.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Kailee is calling me. What do I do?" She asked looking up at me.

"Just ignore it this is our little "vacation"" I said with quotation marks.

"Right! I'll just turn off my phone, And if they call you just let it go to voice mail." She pressed the off button and looked back at me.

I feel something vibrate in my pocket. My phone. I looked at the screen and saw Sam's face show up. I clicked end.

"Did they call you?" Riley asked.

"Ya but I declined it." I said and put my phone away. I took a bite of my ice cream and kept walking.

I grabbed her hand again and felt that tingling feeling in my stomach again. She looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back.

When we got back to the hotel it was 7:30 and Riley suggested that we go swimming.

I got on my trunks and she came out of the bathroom with a strapless poka-dot bikini on.

"Ready?" She asked and grabbed her towel and phone.

"Yup!" I said popping the 'P'.

We grabbed the key and went down to the pool. We set our stuff down and I got in.

The pool was warm. I watched as she pulled her hair out of the bun and let her hair flow freely.

"Are you done staring?" She asked with her hands on her hips. I could feel the blood run to my checks.

"Oh uh-" I was cut off by her laughing.

"I was just joking!" Her smile was perfect and so was her laugh.

"Ya coming in?" I asked and swam around.

"No it looks really cold. I might go sit in the hot tub." She walked over an got in. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her by the waist and threw her in the pool.

She fell in with a slash. I jump in after her.

We kaput swimming until we got tired and went back to our room. She took a shower and got changed.

I turned on the tv and watched in until she came out.

"It's all yours!" She said while braiding her hair.

"Ok thanks." I walked into the bathroom and got in.

I came out and saw her on the bed watching SpongeBob.

"You like this show?" I asked and it startled her.

"Ya! I love this show! Like who doesn't?" She asked smirking.

"Skooch over ya bed hog!" I said and got in. My eyes became droopy and darkness took over.

(JC's POV)

I'm worried that Riley still hasn't called us yet. The only reason I'm stable right now is because I know that Riley and Ricky are together.

I send them a quick text and shut off my phone.

Bella called and asked if she could come over, I said no I need time to think. She it all pissy and isn't texting my now.

It's 11am an I'm sitting in front of the tv watching SpongeBob. That was Riley's favorite tv show growing up.

I heard Victoria and Kailee screaming. I turned my head as saw them over the shoulders of Connor and Sam.

"JC HELP US!!!" Tori screamed.

"Nah I'm good. Oh and the pool is freezing." I said and heard them screen louder.

I just sat on the couch all day waiting for a call or a text back.

I just hope they are ok.

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