Chapter Twenty-One

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(Kailee's POV)

It was June 5th, at 6am. It was Connor, Tori, JC, Kian, Andrea, Sam, Delilah, and I, we had woken up at 4 to make Riley breakfast for her birthday! She was turning 19! We made Ricky sleep with her last night so he would keep her asleep.
We were making chocolate chip pancakes with fruit, toast and orange juice.
We had a surprise party for her with all of her favorite Youtubers! We made Ricky keep her away from us all day by doing some of her favorite things.
We finished making breakfast at 9 and Riley was still asleep. We bought her a little pink light-up crown to wear all day. Ricky texted JC and said that she was in the bathroom.
We all hid and turned off the lights and closed the blinds. I heard voices and loud footsteps. Then we jumped out from our hiding spots and yelled 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!'
She looked surprised and happy. "Aww! You Guys didn't have to do this! This is so sweet! Were you in this with them?" She asked turning to Ricky.
"Uh..maybe?" He said shrugging. Riley stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm gunna go upstairs and get dressed, you should too."
"Ok!" Riley said running up the stairs.

(Riley's POV)

I locked my door and plugged in my phone. I put it in shuffle, the first song was 'Ordinary' by Ricky.
I got undressed and hopped in the shower. I hummed while scrubbing my scalp. I turned off the water and grabbed my towel.
I opened my closet an picked out a muscle-tee, bandeau and white shorts. I got dressed and blow dried my hair and put it up in a messy bun. My music stopped and I saw that my mum was calling.
"Happy Birthday Love!" I hear my mum yell. "Thank you mum! Can you FaceTime?" "Sure hold on"
I put my iPhone In front of my face. Her face popped up and she was smiling. "I have missed you so much darling!" "I've missed you too!"
We talked for 10 minutes until Ricky knocked on my door. "I got to go mum! Love you, and tell dad I said hi!" She waved an hung up.
"Are you ready for your birthday surprise?" He said smiling and holding out a hand for me.
"I am ready! Just let me put on my shoes!" I grabbed my white Vans and ran after him.
"Ok so this is all about you today! We get to do 2 of your favorite things!" He said smiling.
"Ok why just 2 and not 3?" I said giggling. "Because the last one is a surprise!"
We got in the car and drive to the nearest hair salon. I wanted to dye my hair again because the pink faded out, and Ricky wanted to her something too. I got my tips a mermaid blue color like my eyes, and Ricky got a blonde streak.
"Ok so what next?" He asked opening the car door for me. "I want to get a new penny board!" I screamed. "Ok!"
We drove over to Tilly's and I couldn't decide between a teal pastel one or a blue and pink one. I finally chose and got the pastel one.
Ricky had one more place to take me. It was 5o'clock. We drove for 10 minutes before i saw bright lights and tons of people.
"Ricky? Are we at the fair?" I asked confused. "Yes we are!" He said pulling into a parking spot. We got out and payed for the tickets. I looked around and saw a huge Farris wheel.
"Ricky!!! I want to go on that!!!!" I yelled jumping up and down. "Ok!" We walked over and showed the guy our wrist bands. He let us on and it started to go.
We stopped at the top. "Wow. That's a beautiful view of the city lights." I said smiling. I turned and saw Ricky staring at me.
"Riley Caylen, will you be my girlfriend?" He said smiling. I gasped and crushed him with a hug. "Of course I will Ricky!" We looked into each others eyes and he leaned in. Our lips touched and we were kissing.
He pulled away and smiled at me. "I love you." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. "I love you too."

(JC's POV)

We were at the fair waiting for Ricky and Riley to get off of the Farris Wheel. We had set up a big surprise dinner for Riley. I saw them get off and walk our way.
"Guys! I see them coming! Hide!" I yelled. Everyone hid and turned off the lights. I counted down from 3,2,1. "SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled as I turned on the lights.
"Oh my god! Thank you guys so much! Ricky! You knew they were doing this!" She yelled running over to us.
"Let's eat!" Connor yelled.
It was 10 and everyone said happy birthday and goodbye to Riley. We all went our separate ways home. I was driving Delilah, Kian, and Andrea home. I pulled up to the house at 11 and saw Ricky and Connor's car pull up in the drive way.
We all walked inside and fell if the couch. "Today was fun. Thank you guys, for everything!" Riley said smiling. "Oh and i have an announcement, Ricky and I are dating." She said squeezing his hand. She turned and looked at me. "Are you okay with that?"
It took me a second to answer but then I finally said, "Yes."

Ok so I am soooooo sorry for not uploading! i have no excuse! Nothing! It's just I have been traveling a lot lately and it era very Tiring. Oh and If you didn't know I'm Riley and my actual birthday is June 5th so I just wanted to say that... And I wanted to say THANK YOU!!! For 1k+ reads! It means soo much to know that you guys like this story! Thank you! ~bella

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