Food is love

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Authors note:

Hey guys.. sorry for the late update. I got a little spare time today so i could post this chapter. It is a short one tho...

Anyways happy reading😍😍😍

I quickly came out of the room with Damian beside me. It got so awkward back there that i swear i could have have ran a marathon instead of witnessing... that. Damian is still glued to his phone and i hope he didnt see anything back there.

Zack has been doing all these crazy stuff since we were little and even now. He would pretend to act all childish... cling onto me and even make moaning sounds just to piss me off. But all those times, those things just had the pure intention of messing with me.... but, this time... it's becoming really hard for me to believe and take it as a joke, for it sounded so straight and cringy.

Ughhh what am i even supposed to do?

I shoved all my thoughts to the side and put my focus back on how to turn Zack normal again. I walked into the living room where Adrian was sprawled on the floor watching T.V.

Matthew was sitting on the couch with a plate of pancakes, which he had left on the table earlier. He looked at me and gave me a small smile and i smiled back. Damian finally, got off his phone and ran to the kitchen coming out with a bowl of cereal.

Why are everyone so chill here? Do they even realise what happened to Zack?

I walked into the kitchen and saw Luciel on his phone talking to so someone. I zoned out for a moment looking out the window, not realising another person staring into me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and was about to turn around to head out of the kitchen when my eyes met with Zack's.

"Oh my fuck!  Jesus.. Zack! You scared me...." i shouted startled with a scowl on my face. I put my hand to calm down my racing heartbeat.

"Sorry... i couldnt help but watch you zone out... you're cute.." he smiled sweetly.

Cute my ass... call me cute one more time and im kicking you and all your stuff out of my window.

I snorted and his eyes widened staring at me in disbelief. I ignored him and walked towards Luciel who had just hung up on his phone call. He looked at me and gave me a smile

"Umm.. im sorry.. i had an important call to take in..." he said leaning back on the counter putting his phone into his pockets.

He looked at Zack who was standing near the doorway, "hey Zack... you feel.. alright?"

Zack nodded his head walking in.  He picked up a glass and filled it with water, gulping it all down within 5 seconds. He looked at us unamusingly and stood infront of us.

Luciel took a deep breath and glanced at me and Zack "Lea.. Zack... im sorry.... for all that back there. I mean, we shouldn't have eavesdropped but, Damian and Adrian were just curious to know what was going on inside. So, when they overheard the conversation.... we just... assumed..."

"... that i was revealing my nudity to Cookie?" Zack said tilting his head to the side with his arms crossed. I hated to admit it, but he looked a little dangerously hot for the moment..

Snap out of it Lea!

Zack shifted his gaze at me and when our eyes met he looked away, laughing out loudly.

"You guys really thought that i was showing things to my Cookie? Im not that level of a bastard you know. Im kinda disappointed in you guys tho... that you actually thought of me doing something like that to her...." he said between laughing.

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