The Worst That Could Happen

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Do you ever feel completely numb and unsure if what's going on around you is really happening?

For example:

Being pregnant. But the father of your child who not to mention screwed your life over in the past, is not accepting his kid, or the fact that when his ex girl friend shows up he changes his mind about you and your unborn child immediately.

That ever happen to you?

I may never know..


The minute Y/N punched Shea, I knew she had the wrong idea of what was happening. She then started yelling.

"You slut!!" I then jump in.

"Y/N lets talk about this!" Shea gets up holds her mouth it was starting to swell and says,

"Look Y/N-" only to be cut off.

"No you don't speak! and Colby you don't ever talk to me again until you figure out why the fuck you would deny your child!" Then I remember pregnancy hormones are evil.

"You probably should have layed it on her not as badly cuz." Jack says he sits on the bed and Y/N starts to calm down when he says,

"Y/N it's okay" She walks over to him and says,

"Look what's happening! How are you so calm!?" Maybe not so much. but after,

"Just let me explain it to you. Come here." She goes and sits by him and Jack says,

"Let her cool down." But whispers it so she doesn't hear. I leave the room and and Shea follows.

I go to the front and sit on the bench and put my hands in my face. Shea sits next to me.

"Colby give her some time."She puts her hand on my arm.

"Don't touch me Shea. You don't get to do that." I say pushing her arm away.

"I'm just trying to help." She says obviously hurt that I did that.

"I'm trying to help you."

"Really? Help me? All you have done is make things worse. I graduated had the perfect girlfriend. I was so happy to have this baby, and fight for what I cared about, and you jump in making things worse. She hates me now. She thinks I'm going back to the person I used to be. She's probably thinking that I am acting this way because of the relationship we had before. She doesn't want anything to do with me, and guess what?? The baby isn't even mine, its the asshole who killed MY father. He is the dad. The woman I love wants nothing t-to do w-with me." I start tearing up and Shea hugs me, and as much as I hate her I need the hug.

I sit there just wondering what they are talking about, cause I left her devastated and I just want to know if shes okay.


I sit on the bed and Colby leaves with Shea. Just great... Jack starts talking.

"I know this will be very hard to process but-"

"But what Jack."

"Im gonna say it. No interruptions at all. If you want to get to the bottom of this."


"The baby isn't Colby's. the guy who killed Colby's father is the dad. He implanted his baby inside of you so you would be tied down and leave Colby. He was monitoring Colby since he met you and he fell in love and branded you." I didn't know how to react.

"What do I do Jack?"

"I don't know, but Colby is saying it isn't his because it isn't. I know it's alot to take in."

"I treated him like crap. I can sense him crying. It's my fault too I should have never fell in love with him. Look how much shit I caused. Colby can never have a life with me now. I have to make things right. This baby can't just go without a father. I know what that's like, and I won't put my baby through that. No matter how much I love Colby."

"Your thoughts aren't clear you should sleep on it the make a decision."

"Okay thank you for telling me, cause I would have killed her just now. You know that right?"

"Obviously" Jack says laughing and gives me a hug.

I immediately start balling again screw you hormones.

"You're so nice to me Jack. Really. You have a gentle heart." I say still tearing up.

"I wasn't always this way. I just am trying to better myself."

"Why's that?"

"Me and Colby weren't always that close. We fought. All the time. We were still here for each other. We became close. Closer. When we were trying to get away from the gang. They used us all the time. All I had was my dad, but he commited suicide. He left a note saying, 'Do what you can to get away.' That's what I did. Colby helped me through that time. We had a well thought out plan that would help us escape. Colby was quite the climber. We were always able to get out of situations with cops, because of my cuz's climbing skills. It wasn't a good thing we were doing some bad stuff. I regret it. He regrets it. He's still healing so am I." I hug him tighter.


I understand now why Colby likes her so much. She's kind, sweet, beautiful, and shes a good listener. and she gets me- NO I'm falling in love with her. I can't do that to him. He's family. It's hard to resist. How does he do it? I'll never know.


"Yeah" She says. Her voice giving me chills.

"Whatever you choose to do I respect."

"Thank you it means alot that your here." She looks at me, and I lean in to kiss her, and our lips touch and then I pull away, and say,

"Son of a bitch." She covers her mouth in shock.

What the fuck did I just do?

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