Necromantic Ink

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"We have to think about what we are getting into." Colby tells me. We look around at the hotel we were staying in.

The "Mi Amor Hotel"

It was the morning. It had to be around the time I had bearly been branded. My neck was sore and I felt a bit groggy.

"Here is probably a good place to stay for now to discuss a plan," I said. I rubbed the tattoo on the back of my neck.

"It was all so sudden. Was the warning the reason you drowned? You did just zone out and I'm guessing you had a vision, or a flashback. Whatever it was it could probably be an answer like you said." I inferred rocking back and forth without realizing until Colby put his hand on my shoulder.

"He told me we were in danger. He was right. The question is How did they know? How is this possible? How are we able to do this?" He asked face palming.

"Special ones. He said we're the two special ones. It's more of a curse really I say. Where did this randomly come from? It had to by a choosing of some kind by birth. We didn't choose." Colby looked at me wide eyed.

"What?" I say. I knew he had an idea.

"I got it. What do people usually have when they are born? A birthmark. We don't have any specific marks. Except. Turn around." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around. His hand grazed my Tattoo.

"Except ones given without choice. Our brands." The tattoos. That's our answer.

"Why only us? If there are multiple brands. What if there are more people with these same abilities. This 'thing' could be in the wrong hands." He nodded.

"Could be. If we are the special ones, I doubt there will be more than us two. Maybe, it was chosen for the right hands. Only given to the two right people." He says pacing back and forth.

"Us. We are cautious with our decision about time travel. Not to mention everything. We haven't lost a fight." I stand up and make my way to the bathroom. I hear a knock.

"Colby?" I come out and he looked at me.

"Knock on wood." He said shrugging. I nodded. I walked back in the bathroom. I put up my hair it was a bit knotted. I remembered why.

"The people who gave us them knew we would be responsible, using our choices wisely. For the most part. We have to go back to them." He walks in.

"Who gave you yours?" I ask him. He looks down.

"My father." He says, looking up at me.

"Yours, It was Jordan. I'm really tired of hearing of Jordan at this point. Everything leads back to the gang. We tried for a break. Little did we know, we would be screwed over with a curse we never wanted." He leaned over the sink. I rub his back.

"It will all be over soon. We just have to be smart about how we confront them. To get the answers we need. To live the life we want to live. Let's do this so we can finally be happy. So we an finally have our overdue uninterrupted vacation." He smiles chuckling a bit. I kiss him deeply.

"I think we need to rest a bit first. The first time we time traveled together took alot out of us. It's crazy because, I didn't think it was taking anything from us in the beginning."

"I know, we just need to be careful. If it takes alot out of us it could be dangerous. Especially, being used in a short period of time multiple times." He puts his hand on my cheek.

"That's true. We have to be cautious. If we aren't, we won't be able to see our babies ever again." He nods clearly worried.

I don't think this is like anything we have ever encountered before.

We have to face the wonders of the unknown. The supernatural. At least I think. A better word is Necromantic. More complicated, but a better explanation.

I want to know how they knew about such powers. How they got ahold of that type of ability to inflict on two special ones.

This is just so far fetched from reality.

"What else do you think the gang has hidden from the world? More abilities? Probably." He nods.

"If this I true, then how many other unexplainable things connect to this?" I bit my lip thinking about all this information.

There is only one way to find out.

That is through confrontation.

Maybe, slight force.

Most likely force. We don't know how willing Colby's father is to cooperate. From what Colby told me, he isn't the best guy.

Not the worst. His mother on the other hand has already made it on my shit list.

Oh My God. His Mom might know.

"Colby, your mom might know something. She was around and basically kept all secrets right?" He looks at m confused.

"Yeah?" He rubs his eyes.

"She has probably seen what has gone in there. She might understand how this is a possible thing." He shakes my head.

"Last I checked, the last time we talked to my mother she tried to kill Sam. Not only that, all hell broke loose with the gang, she had us hanging on her leash." I rub his back.

"We are in the past again. Remember? We can go to a time before then. Figure out everything we need to know. I won't let her treat you that way. Never. If anything she should be bowing down to you," I lead him out of the bathroom.

"For putting up with all of her bullshit." He laughs.

"You are a great person, too amazing for words. You created this person all by yourself." He smiles and hugs me.

"I had your help Y/n. You straightened me out. We settled down. I'm happy I did. I was missing out on what I truly wanted."

"Really what was that?" I smile.

"Something to live for. A family."

I kiss him deeply.

"We are gonna get through this." He nods.

"I hope so. You know, the last time I got stabbed was alot less scarring." I had no idea he got stabbed before. Then again, I know he has had alot wounds being a part of this.

"I wasn't as close to dying. It made me remember how precious life is. How quickly it can be taken. Being born into this made me understand how quickly a human life can be taken." I nod. He has had alot of life lessons. Alot he has learned in the years we have been alive.

"Some moments, taking chances is the only option. We just have to prepare for the outcome." He leans his head on my shoulder.

I look out our open hotel window.

When will things stop taking turns for the worst?

Ŧ̫̫Ħ̫̫e̫̫ ̫̫β̫̫Δ̫̫Đ̫̫ ̫̫β̫̫Ø̫̫¥̫ (Book 1) Where stories live. Discover now