I'll Bury You

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"What's the plan" Y/n says, clearly hurt.

"I could go back. If you want to interrogate him here."

"Let's do it." She says.

I blink and open my eyes. I was in the building. Her father was in front of me. I punched him. It knocked him out. Right away I'm like,

"He has explosives on him. Remove them carefully. They are unstable." They immediately start attempting to remove them.

I leave and call y/n.

"Hey y/n. I'm gonna send you an address. Go there. Leave Dawson with your mother. I have your father. He is dangerous so be prepared to fight if things get out of hand. It is alot to take in. We have too little time to waste. I'm gonna let you go. I love you." She hung up. I sent the address.

Now to wait.

I wake up my mother. She was calm about it.

"Mom, can you do me a big favor?" Dawson was in my arms.

"Yes, of course." She said, sitting up.

"Can you watch Dawson? I have to go meet Colby somewhere. It's extremely important. It might be a day or two. I can't bring him with me. It would mean alot to me." She nods, holding out her arms for him.

"Everything alright?" She says, I nod kissing Dawson's head.

"If anyone knocks, make sure you call me before opening the door. No knifes lying next to him okay? If you need to genuinely do something, here is a gun. Do not take it off safety unless needed. Keep this away from him. He likes to grab things." She nods.

"Thank you so much." I pack a bag and leave out the front door locking it.

I took my car that I recently bought.

I put on the GPS.

After two hours I make it to the location.

Colby's car was parked by a tree. I parked by his.

I cautiously walked over to the building. There were people securing the building. They had guns in their hands.

"Name." They say. They looked me up and down like the wouldn't hesitate to shoot me.

"Y/n. I'm Colby's wife. He sent me here." I get closer.

"Colby!" They yell. I flinch. He comes.

"Let her in. She's my wife." Colby says. I walk towards him.

"Y/n." He pulls me in a hug. I missed him.

He takes my hand and we walk down the hall.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. We went back a couple times before confronting this topic," I nod. I hear yelling. It was my Dad.

"What are they doing to him Colby?!" I say, scared trying to go to him. Colby holds me back. I realized I was feeling bad for him.

"The worst we have done is knock him out with a punch. He is just yelling for you right now." I give him an angry look.

"Does he know we are getting married? What was his reaction?" He raised his eyebrows and looks to the ground.

"He said I don't deserve you. Which is true. The point is, he is going to give his all to get you to be on his side. All for the wrong reasons." I shook my head.

"I just want to see him." I say. I missed him. I just don't want to see him and breakdown. He is a trigger.

The last thing I wanna do is fall for his small talk.

Ŧ̫̫Ħ̫̫e̫̫ ̫̫β̫̫Δ̫̫Đ̫̫ ̫̫β̫̫Ø̫̫¥̫ (Book 1) Where stories live. Discover now