Non Negotiable

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I woke up to see that Colby wasn't in bed. I was gonna check if he was in the bathroom but the baby started crying.

"There you go" I say now feeding him. This child means the world to me. I set him down in his crib.

I hear a knock on the door and look through the peep hole. It's Shea. I open the door.

"Shea what's going on?" She was obviously crying.

"I'm sorry."

She hit me in the head hard with something metal. While I was trying to fight back, She stabbed a needle in my neck. It all happened so fast.

"Don't worry just sleep."


I knew exactly what to do in order to get a family. I just need their son. My son. There is no negotiation. He is my key to a new life.

I took Dawson away from the hotel. I called Jack to convince him to come with me. I'm not gonna lie I am in love with him.
He loves me but also Y/N. Shocker. Get in line Jack. Join Colby. I've never been known to keep a guy. I will still ask Jack to come with me.

I hope that he will understand. I know he does because at one point he felt lost and confused.

I already know Colby is freaking out. Seeing his wife on the floor. Possibly dead. Who knows how much I gave her? That blow to the head should give me time to hide Dawson. At this moment it didn't matter. I am the daughter of one of the most powerful gang leaders there are in the entire world. It was a shame my family had too much of a good heart. What I've learned is you have to be cruel to make it in this world. My life will not end like Jordan, or my pathetic excuse of a father.

"Joey come pick me up."

His car arrived and he freaked out once he seen the baby.

"Yours?" I shake my head, then nod.

"He's mine now. Let's get going."

I jump in the car and see his wife and daughter.

I ignored them. To avoid awkward tension.

I go back to the hotel room and the door is wide open. Y/n is on the floor. She was bleeding. She was pale and wasn't breathing. I took her to the bathtub and filled it with hot water and climb in carrying her.

My son. He was gone. I knew it was Shea. She isn't getting away with this. I'm going to find my son.

I start rubbing Y/N's face with the steaming water. She doesn't seem like she is waking up until a couple seconds after.

"Ahhhh!! Get away from me!!"

"Baby it's me" I say trying to calm he down."

"Where is Dawson??!!!" She tried getting out of the tub and ran to the bedroom.

"SHE TOOK HIM!!" She started screaming and crying.

Jack was standing there I didn't hear him come in.

"Oh my God Colby." He says.

"I'm gonna get Dawson back. I promise." I say kissing her head.

"I know where she is." Jack says.

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